Saturday, December 28, 2019

Gretes Transformation in The Metamorphosis by Kafka...

Kafka wrote The Metamorphosis in 1912, taking three weeks to compose the story. While he had expressed earlier satisfaction with the work, he later found it to be flawed, even calling the ending unreadable. Whatever his own opinion may have been, the short story has become one of the most popularly read and analyzed works of twentieth-century literature. Isolation and alienation are at the heart of this surreal story of a man transformed overnight into a kind of beetle. In contrast to much of Kafkas fiction, The Metamorphosis has not a sense of incompleteness. It is formally structured into three Roman-numbered parts, with each section having its own climax. A number of themes run through the story, but at the center are†¦show more content†¦Grete, in an act of goodwill and love toward Gregor, brought him a wide assortment of things, all spread out on old newspaper: old, half-rotten vegetables, bones left over from the evening meal, caked with congealed white sauce, som e raisins and almonds, a piece of cheese, which two days before Gregor had declared inedible, a plain slice of bread, a slice of bread and butter, and one with butter and salt (Kafka 24). Besides being the only member of the family still willing to face Gregor daily, she is also the family representative of Gregor, in a sense, to a mother who does not understand and a father who is hostile and opposing. The father is physically violent toward his metamorphosed Gregor, pushing him through a door in Part I: ...when from behind his father gave him a strong push which was literally a deliverance and he flew far into the room, bleeding freely (20). Grete appears to concentrate on protecting Gregor from this antagonistic father and an indecisive mother. In Part II, when Grete leads her mother into Gregors room for the first time, we see the strange way in which Grete has become both the expert and the caretaker of Gregors affairs (Nabokov 271). She convinces her mother that it is bes t to remove all of the furniture from his room. Kafka attributes her actions partly to an adolescent zest: Another factor which might have been also the enthusiastic temperament of an adolescent girl, which seeks to indulgeShow MoreRelatedGregor and Grete’s Transformation in The Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka988 Words   |  4 PagesFranz Kafka wrote the short story Metamorphosis in 1912. No one can truly know what he aimed to accomplish with the story, but it is thought he wrote it to demonstrate the absurdity of life. The story is written with a very simplistic undertone, ignoring how completely ludicrous the situation that Gregor Samsa and his family are in. Metamorphosis is most often thought of in the scientific meaning of the word, which according to is a profound change in form from one stage to the nextRead MoreThe Metamorphosis : Grete s Transformation1120 Words   |  5 Pages The Metamorphosis: Grete’s Transformation Gregor Samsa appears to be the character who transfigures in the short novel called â€Å"The Metamorphosis,† but Grete, Gregor’s sister, transforms into a stronger and more independent woman throughout the predicaments in the book. After Gregor dies, a new light shines upon Grete, and her parents see her as a grown woman. The author says, â€Å"It struck both Mr. and Mrs. Samsa, almost at the same moment, as they became aware of their daughter’s increasing vivacityRead MoreFranz Kafka s The Metamorphosis814 Words   |  4 PagesWhen Franz Kafka first penned his short novel The Metamorphosis in 1915, he had no idea that it would become one of the most influential pieces of fiction of the twentieth century, continuously being studied in colleges and universities across the Western world. The novel rotates around the life of a man named Gregor Samsa, who wakes up on a routine day, and suddenly finds himself transformed into an insect. As the story progresses, the reader can see how Gregor’s physical transformation triggersRead MoreThe Big, Bad, Socialism Bug1280 Words   |  6 Pages200 September 23, 2015 The Big, Bad, Socialism Bug A known socialist, Franz Kafka was especially taken with Karl Marx’s theory of alienation. The theory states that people lose their humanity as a consequence of living in divided social classes. The worker needs the labor to live, and misses out on intrinsic human needs; the worker is a worker first, a human being second (Fay). This concept is what frames The Metamorphosis: A man loses his humanity through unfulfilling work, and while losing his abilityRead MoreThe Meta Metamorphosis : A Depth Look Into The Metamorphosis Of Grete1073 Words   |  5 PagesBirkbeck Rogers IB English A: literature (SL) February 28th, 2012 Word Count: 1,416 The Meta-Metamorphosis: An In-depth Look into the Metamorphosis of Grete In Franz Kafka’s The Metamorphosis, one can find two forms of metamorphoses. One, being the most apparent, is Gregor’s physical transformation from a man to an insect, and secondly one may find a subtext of a form of transformation of Grete. This transformation is one that allows Grete to switch roles from being a young sister role to a motherly roleRead MoreIsolation In Franz Kafkas Metamorphosis1145 Words   |  5 Pagesrefers to the situation of being alone and/or without others around. Due to his transformation, Gregor was immediately isolated unlike his other family members who chose to be away from their problems in the world. Everyone in the Samsa family has their own reasons of why they chose to be isolated from society. Due to these choices, the entire Samsa family also undergo transformations. The book, Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka , reveals how isolation in the Samsa family really plays apart as to who theyRead MoreAnalysis Of Kafka s The Metamorphosis 989 Words   |  4 PagesFreedman’s critical essay titled â€Å"Kafka’s Obscurity† on Franz Kafka’s The Metamorphosis delves into the idea that from changes in the protagonist’s physical limitations, familial bonds, and his being â€Å"[he] is finally reduced to a mere speck of self-awareness which is ultimately extinguished† (Freedman 131). General questions of â€Å"why† and â€Å"how† are almost immediately dismissed due to the calm and monotonous tone that Kafka implements throughout the novel. Instead, the reader is encouraged to ponderRead MoreFranz Kafka s The Metamorphosis1222 Words   |  5 Pagesdown. In Franz Kafka’s The Metamorphosis this destruction is what is seen in the Samsa family. Through what they believe to be necessary, Gregor’s family destroys the environment that he knows, Gregor Samsa destroys his family, and Mr. and Mrs. Samsa bring unnecessary destruction to both of their children. The very nature of Kafka’s The Metamorphosis is change and the effect on people. The first very obvious change is that of Gregor Samsa into a â€Å"monstrous vermin† (Kafka 3). However, one change thatRead MoreAnalysis Of The Book Grete s The Second Chapter Of The Story 1407 Words   |  6 PagesGrete’s shifting feelings, actions, and thoughts toward Gregor makes her go through her own transformation. This transformation which she goes through is a central theme in the story. Grete goes from being a powerless child to a decision making women. Gregor’s transformation leads to his inevitable downfall (death) and Grete’s transformation ends in the power and responsibility which Gregor once held. After Gregor’s metamorphosis in the second chapter of the story, Grete is the only one who triesRead MoreMetamorphosis by Frank Kafka875 Words   |  4 PagesFrank Kafka’s short story Metamorphosis involves an element of horror derived from the unchallenged acceptance provided by everyone, including Gregor himself to his transformation into a vermin- cockroach. Kafka, renowned for his surrealism, tries to create a universe where a seemingly unrealistic reality containing chaos, corruption and immorality, is in fact reality, and an actually consistent perception of the truly horrid nature of human existence under the influence of society. Set against the

Friday, December 20, 2019

Not So Quiet as representative of gender in WWII The...

Evadne Price wrote the book Not So Quiet in 1930 under the pseudonym Helen Zenna Smith. Price was an established author and playwright by the time she wrote Not So Quiet, best known for her serialized romance novels. She also wrote childrens books and articles for womens magazine. But Not So Quiet was a very different kind of piece, partly because of its far more serious nature, partly because it was somewhat autobiographical. She was initially approached by a British publisher to write a satire on All Quiet on the Western Front by Erich Maria Remarque, but Price argued that she would rather write an account of a womans experience with war instead. Price then contacted a British ambulance driver who had kept war diaries as a†¦show more content†¦For most women, however, the experience of war was masked and covered behind nationalism and propaganda. Although much of the book takes place on the front, hints of what is happening back home are frequently given, mostly through le tters received by Smithie from her mother and through the character of B.F. Mrs. Evans-Mawning, throughout the novel, serves as a figure of the worst kind of feminine nationalism, boasting about Roy but not having the edge on Smithies mother because she has only her one son to sacrifice as opposed to Smithies larger family. Smithie also notes that she is sick of reading positive news about wonder war girls in the news, comparing her experience to having a baby because once you get started your trapped in it. (Smith, pg. 134). Women on the home front were being coddled into believing everything was going well because this was still a time in which men saw women as more sensitive then they were intelligent and therefore needed to be protected (Thebaud, pg. 95). This sort of sugar-coating gave women false impressions about the war, which was particularly disappointing to those who enlisted. In one letter from Smithies younger sister, Trix, she writes Why the dickens they dress you up i n a pretty cap and make you think youre going to smooth the patients fevered brow beats me hollow. (Smith, pg. 84). Another letter in the book that is very reflective of home front feelings is the one Smithie receives from B.F, who

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

The Elizabethan Tragedy free essay sample

An examination of Elizabethan as opposed to Shakespearean tragedy. This essay discusses the main differences between Elizabethan and Greek tragedy by examining Shakespeares poems and plays. The writer examines the use of violence on stage in Shakespearean tragedy as opposed to Elizabethans. There are various differences between Elizabethan tragedy, particularly through the works of Shakespeare, and Greek Tragedy. Some of these include the mixing of prose and Poetry, the linear formula of a character with a suffers from a tragic flaw, which leads to the characters downfall, versus the Elizabethan idea of the Wheel of Fortune. However, one of the largest dramatic differences between Greek tragedy and Shakespearean tragedy has to be the use of violence on stage. And what it boils down to is that the perfect combination of dialogue and action that Shakespeare uses in Othello can be more powerful than just the allusion, emotion, and metaphor that Sophocles uses in Oedipus the King. We will write a custom essay sample on The Elizabethan Tragedy or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Instructing Students Have Literacy Problems â€Myassignmenthelp.Com

Question: Discuss About The Instructing Students Have Literacy Problems? Answer: Introducation The paper will be a detailed lesson plan customised to guide in selecting the most suitable materials and content for a class of mixed nationality group of twelve new adult immigrants. The students have very little knowledge in English despite the fact that they live in the U.S which is English speaking country. (CEFR Level A1). The lesson is designed to teach effective reading skills to help the learners approach reading English in the very same way that they would have done in their native languages. Lesson Objective The primary objective of the lesson is to build vocabulary knowledge through reading an authentic reading passage from a recent newspaper. Creating and posting learning objectives for the lesson is a great way to start off things.[1] Like in this case, the second language acquisition process for the students will require the opportunity for the learners to be exposed to relevant reading contents, practice with the materials provided as well as be assessed on the developing language skills. By the end of the lesson, the learners should be able to read easily, fluently and with a good understanding of the text. Vocabularies to be taught The text in itself is an effective teaching material that can be used to enhance communication as well as comprehension skills. The headline is captivated and also gives an immediate preview of the contents of the article. The sentence structures in the article is also an effective tool that can be used to weigh the understanding level of the learner since the sentences are transitional. El Captain Granite Monolith in Californias Yosemite is amongst the words expected to cause pronunciation challenges hence there are plans to have the key terms pre-taught in class. Other terms like collapsed, trial, spokesman, rescue team, notify, couple, rock slide and airlifted are expected to be encoded quickly. Learners will first read the text independently and then later on as a class while analyzing the meaning of each sentence. Teaching activities Although the leaners, in this case, are adults, the approach basically should be the same when it comes to teaching vocabulary and reading skills to younger students. With very little mastery of the English language, it is important to expose the learners with new vocabulary words as much as possible before asking them to use the learned vocabulary in an activity. In relation, for this class, prior selection of words in support of the readers understanding of the article was made and pre-taught in class through the use of role-playing. Role playing is particularly essential in this context since it helps the leaners relate to the storyline in a customized context hence making them feel more comfortable while in the process still learning. The role playing session is also productive since it encourages participation among all students an inclusive of the passive ones, promotes the retention rates and adds dynamism to the classroom making it one of the best teaching strategies. The bes t thing is that the learners seem to be very interactive during lessons that employ role playing hence helps in fostering and embracing cultural diversity. The technique is also very beneficial since the class is only comprised of twelve students hence all of them can take part in two sessions of role playing. The use of Drop Boxes One strategy that has worked very well for immigrant students is the use of multiple communication platforms that provides them with the platform to practice using new words learned in class. Subsequently, proficient communication skills which result in vocabulary enhancement for the learners in this case will be achieved through allocating each leaner a drop box. The drop boxes act as platforms through which the leaners complement each other and share their week experiences. Technically, this strategy helps sharpen the reading and comprehension skills of each leaner while considering respective personalities. The leaners are also encouraged to use words learned in class orally or in the writing activities. Drop boxes have worked out well for the better part of the class since it is easily accessible and gives room for the learners to freely express themselves. The use of drop boxes has also helped me as a teacher in helping the learners understand diversity and why it should be cele brated. The use of fliers The article was issued amongst the learners in the form of fliers, and each leaner had an individual flier.[2] After completion of the reading task, each student is expected to circle familiar words and underline words that they felt needed elaboration. The results obtained are to be used to analyze the areas that need to be retaught. The primary skill being tested here is pronunciation skills. The use of fliers has also been very useful and effective in the class since it makes to easier to handle question and answer sections. Like in this case, there is a Q and A whiteboard in the classroom. Each week around 6 learners submit a question for the board, the selection is based on what they had previously recorded on their fliers. Normally, it is an open question based on the themes that had been previously discussed in class. During the week, the other six leaners are to review the questions and respond to one of them just before class ends. The answers are to be posted under the rele vant question in their respective fliers but presented to the entire class. The use of fliers is an interactive strategy that keeps most of my students in an active rather than a passive mode. In terms of learner interest and integration, the strategy has worked out well with the learners. Skimming Skimming is an essential tool in the teaching process since it aids in previewing the text for the leaner. Skimming is also very productive if it used hand in hand with responsive cultural text that enables the learners to make sense of what exactly is in the reading material hence making it easier for the learners to comprehend. Technically, this makes it easier to teach all the skills and strategies that are being taught through an understanding of the characters irrespective of the age or grade of the leaner hence giving them the confidence as they walk in into the tasks.[3] It is also important to consider the learner's literacy in their native languages before considering the material to subject to learners as well as the skimming strategy to be used. Understanding the main idea of a text is technically important before the learners begin to read closely. Simply put, a better understanding of the topic prepares the student to read faster and with better understanding. The themes used also should be associated with the vocabulary that the learners are expected to comprehend. Theme based texts make the process of learning more interesting and productive. In this case, for the class, the skimming activity involved coping the text and using fliers to get the leaners to identify the main ideas in the text and weighing how much the leaners already learned from the pre-teaching process. Leaner activities Filling response cards Actually, the use of leaflets in class is one of the best ways to get back immediate feedback during class. Role playing Role playing was used during the pre-teaching lesson and hence will be used to recap the previous class at the beginning of the lesson. Answering questions based on personal reflections Repetition of key vocabularies Chalkboard writing Small group discussions Classroom discussions Answering and asking questions Also, to determine whether the lesson has been productive or needs reconsideration, ask the learners to come up to the whiteboard and answer the questions noted down on the whiteboard. Subsequently, this strategy is to test whether the time spent on rereading the text for a more detailed understanding was productive. Another strategy through which this can be obtained is the use of question and answer technique to cover a broad area within a short time. The use of fliers as response tools After successfully reading and analyzing the test, the leaners should be able to describe in their understanding the content of the texts. Subsequently, this strategy aims at checking on the learners sentence structure ability.[4] The learners will be administered by leaflets in which they are expected to write a summary of the article. The use of drop boxes Following the interactive reading lesson, the leaners are expected to use their drop boxes for a different task this week. Each student will use the article to analyze his or her experiences in hiking and how exactly this experience was different from the one that they had read about. Each student was to submit his or her experience as a five minutes reading article in the next class. Technically, the focus, in this case, is on language development as well as creativity. The use of teamwork Once the students are through with reading the text as well as reviewing it as a class, they are to divide themselves in groups of six. Each group is allocated five minutes to recall as many facts as they can in relation to article. The group that recalls the most points carry the day and are allocated bonus points which are rewarded at the end of the semester. Technically, this strategy fosters teamwork and enhances integration in a class embedded on diversity. Review learned content At the end of the lesson, it is important to review the vocabulary items taught as well as grammar points and writing structures.[5] End the class with thanking the students for their cooperation and issuing an assignment related to the taught content. References Ankrum, Julie W., Maria T. Genest, and Elizabeth G. Belcastro. "The power of verbal scaffolding:Showing beginning readers how to use reading strategies."Early Childhood Education Journal42, no. 1 (2014): 39-47. Arends, Richard.Learning to teach. McGraw-Hill Higher Education, 2014. Coady, Maria R., Candace Harper, and Ester J. De Jong. "Aiming for equity: Preparing mainstream teachers for inclusion or inclusive classrooms?."TESOL Quarterly50, no. 2 (2016): 340-368. Fisher, Douglas, and Nancy Frey. "Contingency teaching during close reading."The Reading Teacher68, no. 4 (2014): 277-286. Gunning, Thomas G.Creating Literacy Instruction for All Students: Pearson New International Edition. Pearson Higher Ed, 2013. McCormick, Sandra, and Jerry Zutell.Instructing students who have literacy problems. Pearson Higher Ed, 2014. Morris, Darrell. "Preventing early reading failure."The Reading Teacher68, no. 7 (2015): 502-509. Walpole, Sharon, and Michael C. McKenna.How to plan differentiated reading instruction: Resources for grades K-3. Guilford Publications, 2017.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Amy Lee Essays

Amy Lee Essays Amy Lee Essay Amy Lee Essay Amy Lee Amy Lynn Lee, singer-songwriter and classically-trained pianist, is co-founder and lead singer of the alternative metal band Evanescence. Inspired by her mother, Lee spent nine years of her life practicing piano. Lee was born to parents John Lee, radio personality, and Sara Cargill. Living in Florida and California, they finally settled in Little Rock, Arkansas, where the band Evanescence began. Hearing Lee’s beautiful voice and heartfelt words, tears fall from the cheeks of some listening. Her words resonate in the soul of the receiver. At a summer youth camp, Ben Moody noticed Lee on the piano playing the song, â€Å"I’d Do Anything for Love (But I Won’t Do That),† by Meatloaf. A month later, the two began writing songs, eventually producing Evanescence EP in 1998, Sound Asleep EP in 1999, and the full length demo, Origin, in 2000. Signing with Wind-Up Records, Evanescence released Fallen in 2003, selling six point six million copies and spending 43 weeks in the Billboard top ten. Evanescence’s major label debut single, â€Å"Bring Me to Life,† was a major hit for the band and reached number five on the American Billboard Hot 100, while the equally popular â€Å"My Immortal† peaked at number seven in the United States. Their inclusion in the soundtrack for the action movie, â€Å"Daredevil,† helped propel both songs into widespread popularity and firmly cemented Evanescence within the music scene. â€Å"Bring Me to Life† gained recognition for the band at the Grammy Awards of 2004, where the band was given the Best Hard Rock Performance award. At the same time, Evanescence was awarded Best New Artist. Lead-guitarist Ben Moody abruptly left the band during the middle of their European tour. Relieved of an abusive relationship with Moody, Lee states, â€Å"Before, I wasn’t allowed to play any organ because Ben didn’t like it. This time I could do whatever I wanted, and there’s lots of organ. It’s all over. † (Lee) Moody was replaced by Terry Balsamo, the former Limp Bizkit guitarist. Meanwhile, the band went through numerous obstacles: Balsamo suffered from a stroke, Lee sued her manager, claiming sexual assault, and Lee broke ties with her boyfriend, Seether’s Shaun Morgan. Lee and Morgan produced a duet, â€Å"Broken,† which appears in the soundtrack to â€Å"The Punisher. † After three years absence, Evanescence’s second album, The Open Door, was released. The Open Door debuted at the top of the Billboard charts, selling more than 447,000 units in its first week and reached platinum status in just over a month. The album is defined by Lee’s beautiful melodies, compelling lyrics, deeply moving piano and amazing vocals, blended with Terry Balsamo’s urgent yet intricate guitar to form a seamless, delicate mixture that perfectly channels the band’s hard rock and classical sensibilities. The album’s first single, â€Å"Call Me When You’re Sober,† bashes Morgan for his drug addiction. Lee began writing at the tender age of eleven. She remains true to herself through life’s trials, writing and singing from the heart, captivating audiences worldwide. When Lee and Moody, co-founders of Evanescence, began singing, Lee was only sixteen. Lee has matured over the years, as is reflected in the album The Open Door. As Alen Meltzer, CEO of Wind-Up Records, states, â€Å"She is the female voice of her generation. She’s come into her own as a writer and a singer. She made this record with no label involvement. It was all her. † (Meltzer). Some may find the lyrics of Evanescence offensive, yet others may find them soothing, finally having someone put words to their pain and anger.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

The Difference Between Mitosis and Meiosis

The Difference Between Mitosis and Meiosis Mitosis vs Meiosis Organisms grow and reproduce through cell division. In eukaryotic cells, the production of new cells occurs as a result of mitosis and meiosis. These two nuclear division processes are similar but distinct. Both processes involve the division of a diploid cell, or a cell containing two sets of chromosomes (one chromosome donated from each parent). In mitosis, the genetic material (DNA) in a cell is duplicated and divided equally between two cells. The dividing cell goes through an ordered series of events called the cell cycle. The mitotic cell cycle is initiated by the presence of certain growth factors or other signals that indicate that the production of new cells is needed. Somatic cells of the body replicate by mitosis. Examples of somatic cells include fat cells, blood cells, skin cells, or any body cell that is not a sex cell. Mitosis is necessary to replace dead cells, damaged cells, or cells that have short life spans. Meiosis is the process by which gametes (sex cells) are generated in organisms that reproduce sexually. Gametes are produced in male and female gonads  and  contain one-half the number of chromosomes as the original cell. New gene combinations are introduced in a population through the genetic recombination that occurs during meiosis. Thus, unlike the two genetically identical cells produced in mitosis, the meiotic cell cycle produces four cells that are genetically different. Key Takeaways: Mitosis vs Meiosis Mitosis and meiosis are nuclear division processes that occur during cell division.Mitosis involves the division of body cells, while meiosis involves the division of sex cells.The division of a cell occurs once in mitosis but twice in meiosis.Two daughter cells are produced after mitosis and cytoplasmic division, while four daughter cells are produced after meiosis.Daughter cells resulting from mitosis are diploid, while those resulting from meiosis are haploid.Daughter cells that are the product of mitosis are genetically identical. Daughter cells produced after meiosis are genetically diverse.Tetrad formation occurs in meiosis but not mitosis. Differences Between Mitosis and Meiosis Lily Anther Microsporocyte in Telophase II of Meiosis. Ed Reschke/Photolibrary/Getty Images 1. Cell Division Mitosis: A somatic cell divides once. Cytokinesis (the division of the cytoplasm) occurs at the end of telophase.Meiosis: A reproductive cell divides twice. Cytokinesis happens at the end of telophase I and telophase II. 2. Daughter Cell Number Mitosis: Two daughter cells are produced. Each cell is diploid containing the same number of chromosomes.Meiosis: Four daughter cells are produced. Each cell is haploid containing one-half the number of chromosomes as the original cell. 3. Genetic Composition Mitosis: The resulting daughter cells in mitosis are genetic clones (they are genetically identical). No recombination or crossing over occur.Meiosis: The resulting daughter cells contain different combinations of genes. Genetic recombination occurs as a result of the random segregation of homologous chromosomes into different cells and by the process of crossing over (transfer of genes between homologous chromosomes). 4. Length of Prophase Mitosis: During the first mitotic stage, known as prophase, chromatin condenses into discrete chromosomes, the nuclear envelope breaks down, and spindle fibers form at opposite poles of the cell. A cell spends less time in prophase of mitosis than  a cell  in prophase I of meiosis.Meiosis: Prophase I consists of five stages and lasts longer than prophase of mitosis. The five stages of meiotic prophase I are leptotene, zygotene, pachytene, diplotene, and diakinesis. These five stages do not occur in mitosis. Genetic recombination and crossing over take place during prophase I. 5. Tetrad Formation Mitosis: Tetrad formation does not occur.Meiosis: In prophase I, pairs of homologous chromosomes line up closely together forming what is called a tetrad. A tetrad consists of four chromatids (two sets of sister chromatids). 6. Chromosome Alignment in Metaphase Mitosis: Sister chromatids (duplicated chromosome comprised of two identical chromosomes connected at the centromere region) align at the metaphase plate (a plane that is equally distant from the two cell poles).Meiosis: Tetrads (homologous chromosome pairs) align at the metaphase plate in metaphase I. 7. Chromosome Separation Mitosis: During anaphase, sister chromatids separate and begin migrating centromere first toward opposite poles of the cell. A separated sister chromatid becomes known as daughter chromosome and is considered a full chromosome.Meiosis: Homologous chromosomes migrate toward opposite poles of the cell during anaphase I. Sister chromatids do not separate in anaphase I. Mitosis and Meiosis Similarities Plant cell in Interphase. In interphase, the cell is not undergoing cell division. The nucleus and chromatin are evident. Ed Reschke/Getty Images While the processes of mitosis and meiosis contain a number of differences, they are also similar in many ways. Both processes have a growth period called interphase, in which a cell replicates its genetic material and organelles in preparation for division. Both mitosis and meiosis involve phases: Prophase, Metaphase, Anaphase and Telophase. Although in meiosis, a cell goes through these cell cycle phases twice. Both processes also involve the lining up of individual duplicated chromosomes, known as sister chromatids, along the metaphase plate. This happens in metaphase of mitosis and metaphase II of meiosis. In addition, both mitosis and meiosis involve the separation of sister chromatids and the formation of daughter chromosomes. This event occurs in anaphase of mitosis and anaphase II of meiosis. Finally, both processes end with the division of the cytoplasm that produces individual cells.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Ray Ban Sunglasses Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Ray Ban Sunglasses - Essay Example It is important to bring to your notice that these designer wear prescription glasses help improve not only your vision but also ameliorate the eye strains. This is the forte of this brand as they offer Glass or polycarbonate lenses offer 100% UV protection. Ray Ban glasses always attract the customers without a second thought. Their new strategic media campaign for Spring/Summer 2007 "NEVER HIDE," is full of thought provoking innovativeness which happens to be the brand's benchmark. In its every form, the RAY-BAN campaign portrays regular guys and girls living their day to day lives with authenticity, with the courage to express themselves and their unique individuality, because the most fashionable thing to be is your self. Recently the company launched its campaign in New York and briefed its customers through a press release and said: "Ray-Ban has a rich history and an iconic personality that is authentic, real, bold and stylish. Ray-Ban has always created trends not followed them: authenticity and legacy mean something while flash and sparkle will come and go. But Ray-Ban is forever."(1) It speaks of timeless nostalgia. The elegance and subtlety of its design makes it an all time collector's item. For instance: the heavy metal Aviator series are unisex and look well proportioned on any face. Likewise the brand does not pose off cheap ritzy glasses that become dated after a while. The beauty of possessing a Ray Ban is the endorsement of its simplicity in design. Real trendsetters, real opinion leaders, real individuals believe the most fashionable thing you can be is yourself; to be authentic, real, bold and stylish. So to reclaim its rightful place as the legitimate leader of sunglasses, Ray-Ban has to only speak and act like their maverick selves. No wonder why all stylish models and celebrities put them because these glasses epitomize class and breed. Ray-Ban has adorned thousands of famous faces in international films, helping create the myth that it is today. To further explicate the proposition of purchasing only and only Ray Ban can be evaluated and gauged through the following review by one of its customers: "They are the ones to rock n roll. They speak of the 70s-80s style. They are perfect for my face. I think it looks good on anyone. There is a big difference buying sunglasses in streets. You could feel the quality and comfort because they are 100% authentic ray-bans, made in Italy. So, therefore I recommend for the people to get it if you could handle this hot item!"(2) This clearly proves that these designer wear glasses are every style conscious person's dream wear and imply the rich aesthetic sense of its wearer as well. Their supreme quality construction, sophisticated designs, and premier features like polarized lenses and durable frames make them ideal for activities ranging from heavy duty sports to driving. Appearing in hundreds of inspiring Hollywood films and beloved by fashion fans worldwide, the name "Ray-Ban" has become an icon in eyewear. Therefore, the Company's much coveted motto endorses its high claims and makes it the world's undisputed top notch designer wear brand-making it a worthwhile purchase. "Never pretend. Never be afraid. Never give up. Never Hide."

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Must demonstrate the understanding of new learning in the field of Research Paper

Must demonstrate the understanding of new learning in the field of project management and how it relates to the Project Management Maturity Model - Research Paper Example Maturity model is a tool that enables businesses to measure the ability of an organization to maturely manage different projects. It thus identifies the level of maturity and the avenues within the business within improvement before a roadmap is developed. In this roadmap, different steps are outlined that enable the business to manage its projects within the maturity model and achieve its long and short-term goals (Brown, 2008). The adoption of the maturity model by businesses increases the potential for success and the attainment of the strategic goals within the time set out in the organization’s missions and goals. Through the adoption of the maturity model, an organization increases its ability to continuously improve and develop strategic approaches, which are essential to the success of an organization. Though applied to project management, maturity model was developed under the aegis of quality management and assurance in an organization (Caron, Ruggeri & Merli, 2013). As a result, it was used in the processes of improving the quality of goods and services produced by a given organization, a process that is critical in the success of the same. By adopting the maturity model, an organization links its processes to the continuous improvement goals through a process that involves the understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of the same. As a result, avenues that can be improved through change can be identified through the adoption of the maturity model and this increases the success possibility of an organization (Brown, 2008). Within different organisations, there is an increasing need for the development of processes that capable of managing the variability has and obtain the desired results within the time set. Working towards achieving goals within the set budget and time constraint has remained the basic component of any project management plan. As a result, the maturity model has enhanced the management of projects especially within the

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Geoghegan Exits in HSBC Shake-Up Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Geoghegan Exits in HSBC Shake-Up - Essay Example HSBC has generally been a very conservative bank that strictly follows a management style that is regulated and controlled by insiders, i.e the Board. It may be noted at the outset that all the people who were in contest for the posts of Chairman and CEO, including Mr. Geoghagen were all long time employees of HSBC, London, who had ascended from the bottom ranks and moved into managerial positions. When Mr. Geoghagen stepped down, it has brought to the surface and to the attention of the public, an issue that would generally have been decided within the organization, without any outsiders being involved in it at all. The final decision by the HSBC board to appoint two long time HSBC employees rather than seeking to employ someone from outside the organization has been criticized as being an insular process that could have been improved upon considerably. The problem with the HSBC decision was that it was all regulated within the organization. In general, following such an insular policy may not benefit the organization in the long run. In today’s global economy, it is vital for an organization to be constantly changing and adapting in order to adapt to the changing global business environment. The nature of leadership which is provided is vital in promoting the growth and continuing progress of the organization. Leadership has traditionally been associated with management, but this may not necessarily represent an accurate view because managers think incrementally while leaders think radically. Moreover, leadership involves a transformation in individuals, according to Spencer, â€Å"â€Å"transformational leadership is a process that changes and transforms individuals†. (Spencer 1). It must be noted that transformational leadership is best likely to be achieved when fresh new ideas are brought into the organization by using individuals from

Friday, November 15, 2019

Effects Of Warm Up In Learning Second Language

Effects Of Warm Up In Learning Second Language The Effects of Warm up in Learning Second Language Abstract One of the ways to learn the language better is having a good warm up activity. This paper aims to investigate the effects of warm up as a class room activity in learning second language. It is going to have a critical study, and over view of some books and essays about this activity. This paper attends to provide the definition of warm up as an activity before the lesson. Then, it is going to discover that how could warm up affect the learning process? It is probably going to find that having a good warm up activity helps students to set for the new lesson. Key words: Warm up activity, second language, learning process Introduction Warm up is one of the good methods for ESL students to learn the second language better. This paper introduces the concept of warm up as an activity which attracts students attention and helps them to focus on the topic. Literary review An interesting way of starting a lesson could be using activities called warm-up activities or ice-breakers (Robertson Acklam, 2000). Teacher could start warm up activity by using some games, asking questions and having discussions which all should be related to the topic or lesson. A warm up activity could help a teacher to recognize the different types of students learning style. According to CÃ ¡rdenas (2001), Students learn best when they can address knowledge in ways that they trust. They will learn best through doing rather than reflecting. Therefore, teacher could use different styles like play, demonstration, discussion, and totally we could say by action. A warm up activity helps students to put aside any distractions which are in their mind and focus on topic, and it helps ESL students to think in target language. According to Peterson (2010), Beginning your lesson plans with a five minute warm up can serve to focus your students on the topic, open up creative thinking and help to apply the learning in new ways. Purpose of the study This paper assesses the impact of warm up on ESL students and aims to examine the effects of this activity on the learning process. It is going to examine these questions: 1) what are the effects of warm up activity? , and 2) how could warm up affect the learning process? Which offers two hypotheses: 1) this activity may helps ESL students to think in target language (English) and focus on the language,2) this activity may just helps ESL students to put aside any distractions and maybe after awhile they will forget whatever they learned. Therefore, this paper is going to explore the answers of these two questions and then it will discover which hypotheses are right. Method In advance this paper mentions two questions which are going to explain in this section. This paper by using critical review about warm up provides the following answers to these questions; 1) What are the effects of warm up activity? This paper propounds five important effects for warm up which are explained below. 1) Create a friendly environment. A brief warm up activity can build a relationship between the students and the learning materials (Hasan Akhand, 2013).Warm up works as an ice breaker; it helps students to be comfortable with the environment and their classmates. 2) Attract students attention. Walqui (2006) states, by focusing students attention on the main ideas, teacher first prepares the students for engaging them in interactive tasks to practice (p.169). A five or ten minute warm up attracts the students attention toward the lesson and besides being physically in the class it helps them being mentally in the classroom, too. 3) Activate the students background knowledge. Rumelhart (1980) states, we comprehend something only when we can relate it to something we already know-only when we can relate the new experience to an existing knowledge structure (as cited in Carrell, 1983, p.82). Students might forget the things which they have learned from the last class or session. Hence, a warm up activity could activate their background knowledge; things they already know or learned. 4) Think in English and focus on the topic. Kay (1995) claims that warm ups are different types of activities which help the students begin to think in English, review previously introduced materials and become interested in the lesson (as cited in Velandia, 2008, p. 11). A warm up activity could help ESL students to start thinking in second language and forget any distractions and focus on the new topic or lesson. 5) Increase students participation. Warm-up activities like joke, game, and puzzle establish a positive learning environment and make the students comfortable to participate in the classroom (Joshi, 2006). When a teacher uses warm up, because of its enjoyable and interesting feature, students attends to participate or take place in that activity. Students like to be involved in such an amazing warm up activity; it builds a sense of community inside them. Now this paper answers the second question which is: 2) How could warm up affect the learning process? Learning process is facilitated through building a positive relationship with the students. A fun or interesting class largely depends on the teachers as their personality and teaching method motivate the students to raise a positive attitude towards learning (Krishnan Hoon, 2002). Because of all those effects that warm up activity has on ESL students, it is obvious that warm up task could affect the learning process, too. Following is a diagram which displays the effects of warm up task briefly. Diagram: effects of warm up activity Discussion/conclusion This paper, in the purpose of the study, states two hypotheses: 1) this activity may helps ESL students to think in target language (English) and focus on the language,2) this activity may just helps ESL students to put aside any distractions and maybe after awhile they will forget whatever they learned. The first one is acceptable because it is correct and actual, but the second one is reject able because it could help students to put away any distractions but when we use warm up activity, it is a review of what they learned. Hence, they could not forget whatever they learned. In sum up, this paper gets to the point that warm up activity is the best way for thinking in target language, setting for the new lesson, focusing on the topic, and attracting the attention. Therefore, it should be short, interesting, related to the topic, and be at the students level or slightly above (i+1) to have their effect in learning the second language. References Akther, A. (2014). Role of Warm-up Activity in Language Classroom: A Tertiary Scenario. Retrieved from Hasan, M. K., Akhand, M. M. (2013). Strategies for Enhancing the Use of Textbooks in Language Classrooms at the Tertiary Level. ABAC Journal, 33 (2), 1-14. Retrieved from Pakdel Estaikhbijari, Z. Khodareza, M. (2012). The Effects of Warm-up Tasks on the Iranian EFL Students Writing Ability. Retrieved from Peterson, D. (2010). Warm-Up Exercises. [Online] Available: http:// (September 17, 2010) Velandia, R. (2008). The Role of Warming Up Activities in Adolescent Students’ Involvement During the English Class. Profile Journal, 10, 9-26. Retrieved from Walqui, A. (2006). Scaffolding Instruction for English Language Learners: A Conceptual Framework. The International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, 9 (2), 159- 180. Retrieved from Walqui.pdf Joshi, M. (2006). Diversity in Lecture-Delivery. Journal of NELTA, 11 (1-2), 1-151. Retrieved from Krishnan, L. A., Hoon, L. H. (2002). Diaries: listening to ‘voices’ from the multicultural classroom. ELT Journal, 56 (3), 227-239. Retrieved from 819c-78335f7f594a CÃ ¡rdenas, M. L. (2001). Responding to Childrens Learning Styles. How, 8, 17-22. Robertson, C., Acklam, R. (2000). Action Plan for Teachers a guide to teaching English. London, UK: BBC World Service. Kay, C. (1995). Scott Foresman English series. Baltimore, Maryland: Scott Foresman. Carrell, P. L. (1983). Some Issues in Studying the Role of Schemata, or Background Knowledge, in Second Language Comprehension. Reading in a foreign language, 1 (2), 81-92. Retrieved from

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Hurricane Katrina Essay -- Natural Disaster, FEMA

Introduction The initial response or lack thereof, to the widespread disaster in the Gulf Coast, caused by Hurricane Katrina, demonstrated high levels of incompetence and disorganization by government officials. Images of desperate individuals awaiting rescue on their rooftops, and masses of people packed together in deplorable conditions in the Super Dome, circulated the globe. There was no hiding from the painful reality and the obvious inaction or inability of those responsible to care for these individual in the wake of this catastrophe. (12, 791) Although a considerable amount of the blame has been placed at the feet of FEMA, it should be understood that multiple factors contributed to the situation in New Orleans. Some sections of the levees had been poorly constructed, and were not properly maintained. Local agencies failed to adequately plan and prepare of such an event. Local officials waited too long to order an evacuation, and did not consider how to assist those citizens who lacked the financial resources evacuate on their own. (1,24) FEMA HISTORY Federal intervention in the aftermath of natural disasters began after the San Francisco earthquake in 1906. This 8.3 magnitude earthquake killed 478, and left over 250,000 homeless. While the disaster itself was obviously unavoidable, the subsequent fires that burned throughout the city were a result of poor planning. (1, 17) In an effort to consolidate existing programs, and to improve the nation’s level of preparedness, President Carter created FEMA in 1979. Initially, FEMA was praised for improving communication between various levels of government, and multiple agencies during a crisis. (1,19) As part of the reorganization of the federal government in response to t... ...ed individuals to pay for services, perhaps as an extension of the Medicare program. Those survivors, who have suffered a high level of mental or physical trauma, and those who suffer from preexisting conditions, should be identified and considered for expedited care. (2, 425) Mobile health care unity could be utilized in semi-permanent housing developments, such as the trailer parks created in the wake of the Katrina disaster. (2, 425) Legislative barriers to obtaining mental health services need to be removed. Addressing the mental health needs of the survivors is increasingly being recognized as an integral part of emergency management worldwide. Failing to properly address these needs may compromise the recovery of the affected populations, and these individuals are likely to become dependent on state and federal aid. (2, 246)

Sunday, November 10, 2019

BMM notes Essay

Attempt all the questions. Read the question carefully before answering. Figures to the right indicate full marks. Illustrations/ Layout is not Compulsory. But ensure to give a clear and concise description of the visual. 1. Answer any four : (a) What is the difference between Political Advertising and Government Advertising? Give one example of each. (b) What is creative? How important creative brief is for writing copy for a product? (c) How is reason why copy different from slice of life copy? (d) What are the essential qualities to become a good copy writer? (e) Explain the importance of sub-head for the print media. (f) What are the different types of copy? Explain one in detail. (g) Explain the following terms (Any three) :(i) Zoom in (ii) Dissolve (iii) Wipe (iv) Pan. 12 2. Answer any four of the following question :(a) Write short note on, Copy for Children as the Target Audience. (b) Give two examples each of comparative and demonstration type of advertising. (c) What are the essentials of a Good Poster? (d) Give your comment on ‘Daag Achche Hain’, Television commercial. (e) Analyse any one of the recent public service television or print advertisement. (f) (i) ‘Maine poocha kya’? is the base line of which detergent brand ? (ii) ‘Insan Phone lete hain baat karne ke liye,’ is the line of which television commercial? (g) Explain the various stages of producing a TV commercial? 12 3. Answer any two : (a) Radio advertising creates a ‘Picture in the Mind’. Explain? (b) Write a 30 sec Radio spot for Shopper’s stop, Highlighting, Range and Location. (c) Write a direct mailer to the prospective Customer in Bandra, persuading them to place their monthly grocery requirement to ‘Sangam’, A Hindustan Lever Limited Venture. Sangam provides free home delivery within an hour. 10 4. Multimedia campaign and strategy (Attempt any one):(a) VIP luggage is launching a new campaign to reinforce its new image of a company marketing trendy luggage for upwordly mobile young professionals. They have added new design and different colours in their portfolio of products. i. Prepare a creative brief for Making Impact on the Target Audience. ii. Create a press advertisement campaign based on the creative brief. iii. Prepare a storyboard for television commercial based on the creative brief. PDF Powered By 5 6 5 (b) PDF Powered By The recent cases of corruption among a few police officers tarnished the image of Mumbai Police. The Commissioner wants to improve the public image of the Mumbai Police. i. Advice them on strategy and baseline. ii. Develop a 3 advertisement press campaign. iii. Develop a storyboard for a 30 sec TVC. PDF Powered By

Friday, November 8, 2019

Impression Sunrise essays

Impression Sunrise essays Towards the later half of the nineteenth century, many artists were pursuing new avenues in their artistic representations. They were perturbed at the rigid and constricting regulations of the Salon, and some artists decided to form and independent exhibition. Cluade Monet and his friends founded the Socit anonyme de artistes, etc. . . and continued to pursue an alternative to the Salon. On April 15th, 1874 this group of artists held their own show that directly challenged the authority of the Salon. Eventually, Monet and his colleagues became known as the Impressionists which stems from one of his works that was displayed at the first show, Impression, Sunrise. This painting was hardly recognized at the primier exhibition, but has since become a very significant work. Monet had just returned to Paris after the end of the Franco-Prussian War, and he felt that the country was in desperate need of a resurgence of nationalism. His painting, Impression, Sunrise, is a landscape of the avant-port of Le Havre which was the second largest port in France. The depiction of a richly commercial location can be interpreted as patriotic ode to a revitalized France. It shows a site that all Frenchmen would have been proud of and seems to celebrate the renewed strength and beauty of the country. . . (Tucker 157). This canvas testifies to the citys economic and commercial prowess through innovative techniques that possess a sense of renewal. These new methods of rendering an image be came the backbone for a new art movement, Impressionism. In conclusion, Claude Monet and his comrades were pioneers in the field of art. Their antagonistic views of the traditional Salon led to new ground-breaking techniques for representing an image on a canvas. Their paintings at the first Impressionist Exhibition of 1784 contained sketchy renderings and an unfinished feel which left some criti ...

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Number the Stars essays

Number the Stars essays Number the Stars was about a family who lives in Copenhagen, Denmark take in a Jewish girl to protect her from the Nazis that are taking over Denmark. Meanwhile, Ellens parents go with one of the Johansens family friends named Peter Neilsen. He was the fianc of their deceased daughter, Lise. The first night of having Ellen, Mr. And Mrs. Johansen had planned out what to do if the Nazis were to come to their apartment that night. They told Ellen that she was supposed to be, Lise Johansen. Lise is the deceased child of Mr. And Mrs. Johansen. She died a couple years back in a car accident. Later that evening when Ellen AKA Lise, Mr. And Mrs. Johansen, and Kirsti, Annemaries little sister, and Annemarie were is bed; there was a knock at the door. It was the Nazis. They stepped into the apartment knowing that the Rosens might be here since they also knew they were friends. They searched the apartment. When Annemarie heard the noise, she woke up Ellen. She told her to take off the Star of David that way the Nazis didnt know that she was Jewish. They introduced her with kindness like she was their own daughter. They kind of thought that she wasnt part of the family because she had dark hair. Mr. Rosen then pulled out some baby pictures and showed the soldier that she had dark hair as a baby. They tore them up and left. After a week or so, Mr. And Mrs. Johansen decided to move in with Annemaries uncle, Uncle Henrik. They would be safer there without the Nazis more at there back then at Denmark. He lived by the sea and was a fisherman. Then one day out of the blue, Annemaries uncle and her mother tell Annemarie, Ellen, and Kirsti that that night there was going to be a ceremony for Annemaries Great Aunt Birte. Annemarie knew all of her family from stories and pictures and knew that her own family was lying to her. Something was wrong, she thought. She ...

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Theory and Hypothesis in Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Theory and Hypothesis in - Research Paper Example Because of a number of features of theory such as its internal consistency, its consistency with existing facts, its potential for making counter-intuitive prediction and because of its testability, the findings of the theory are not only relevant to theory’s explanations of events but they also help to corroborate the findings of other researchers. The hypothesis generally related with some theory has a greater chance of being correct than the common sense. Almost all scientific theories start as hypotheses. The more the theories are subjected to rigorous tests under a variety of conditions and assumptions and the more they hold up, the more credible they become over time. The relationship between the hypothesis and theory serves to challenge previously held views by introducing different sets of assumptions or more recent information besides expanding the boundaries of research by inferring new hypotheses from the theory using deductive logic and extrapolating them to new si tuations. I reviewed the research paper â€Å"Socioeconomic Status and Beliefs about God’s In?uence in Everyday Life" by Scott Schieman from the journal â€Å"The Sociology of Religion† to see how the author makes use of theory and hypothesis.

Friday, November 1, 2019

ELO reflection Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

ELO reflection - Essay Example The heightening of the adrenaline that comes with the speeding of the motorized vehicles is the best feeling. I have therefore developed interests in Play Station games that imitate the sport like ‘Need for Speed’. The excitement has also made me have an ever growing passion on movies such as ‘The Transporter’, ‘Need for Speed’ and ‘Fast and Furious’ (Crossroads Dragway, 2014). I have an interest in both the racing and non racing Motorsport activities. I am more propelled by the speeding effects that come with Motorsport thus making me to enjoy both kinds. I have an interest in automatic car racing, motorcycle racing and motor rallying when it comes to racing type of Motorsport. The non- racing Motorsports events that interest me include drifting, motorcycle trails, tractor pulling, freestyle Motorcross, and regulatory rallies. I have spent several moments in the past years just to get a glimpse of what is happening in these events. Even though I have passion with the Motorsports, I have never developed interest in knowing the participants. The case is different from that of movies since the elevating experience is also more captivating in the latter’s scenario (Crossroads Dragway, 2014). I have been captivated by the Motorsports, but the level differs when it comes to drag racing. The part of drag racing that interests me most is the fact that the competition is usually between two people at a time. In addition, most of the races are normally more competitive with the parties having a small gap as they go through the finish line. Due to the small difference that is experienced, the drag race employs the use of speed sensing systems and electric timing to record the results. The fact that the race course is normally on a straight short course of approximately a quarter mile in length elevates me more. It enables one to be able to see the whole competition

Wednesday, October 30, 2019


OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT ON ALTAVISTA VS ASKJEEVES - Assignment Example When so many websites have come and gone without leaving a trail of their disappearance, AltaVista and Ask have quite successfully held on to the tide so far, with plans for further growth in the near future. The operations system of an organization is the part that produces the organization's products - in case of manufacturing organisations and that polishes the service operations making them more user friendly - in case of service oriented organizations. In fact operations management has its origins in the study of 'production' or 'manufacturing management'. In some organizations the product is a physical (tangible) good like a television, computer system, furniture item etc. while in others, the 'product' is a service like health care, insurance, telephone services, internet searches, tourist services etc. What is common in both these types of operations is the 'conversion process.' Resources are used by the system in the 'input' chain, which gets converted into valuable 'outputs' after passing through this conversions process. This is where the role of operations management comes into picture. ... e essence of operations management comes into play; it calls for making rational decisions in difficult circumstances with limited, imperfect information. Operations management can therefore be defined as1 'the design, operation and improvement of the internal and external systems, resources and technologies that create and deliver the firm's primary product and service combinations' Problem Statement In this study we'll be trying to study the operational strategies of AltaVista and Ask Jeeves. During the course of study, we'll be taking a look at how both these companies have evolved over the years. Both these search engines have had differing amounts of successes during the course of their journey. We'll try to compare some of operational aspects of these companies and comment on their success or failures. Analysis Internet has indeed established itself as a potent source of information. There are innumerable numbers of sources of information, which tend to prove detrimental for the information seeker. As per the latest available figures, more than a billion users have been using the internet worldwide. But to take the desired piece of information out of the huge information databank, search engine prove very useful. Search engines appeared on the scene during the early 90s. Since then there have been many evolutionary changes in the search engine technologies. The market is led by the likes of Google and Yahoo. This study is carried out to analyze the market position of AltaVista vis--vis Ask (formerly known as Ask Jeeves). The search engines started to provide a list of web sites where we were supposed to find responses to our search terms. The websites appearing in response may have answer to our query or might prove to be irrelevant. Search engines like Ask

Monday, October 28, 2019

Literary Analysis of Barn Burning Essay Example for Free

Literary Analysis of Barn Burning Essay Child abuse has been a common occurrence throughout the times of this world. In the story Barn Burning that was written by the author William Faulkner, a story is told of a boy named Colonel Sartoris Snopes who lives with his family. His father is a man who has seen the brutality of war and has a very cold heart. His name is Abner Snopes. His heart is so cold that it is almost as if he is not even human. William Faulkner in the story uses words comparing Abner Snopes to a house fly, or stinging wasp and also says that he lifts his hand like a curled claw. This suggests that the Author was trying to give the readers an image of Abner Snopes being someone who lacked human qualities. Mainly he lacked qualities such as compassion and understanding. Abner Snopes outer appearance completely reflects his inner emotions. His leg being shot in the war as he was attempting to steal confederate horses from for his very own self profit, drags behind him everywhere he goes. This image fits well with the strange ideology of family values he has, as well as the inner corruption and love of revenge that this character embodies. He compensates for these lack of human qualities by ruling over his family with an iron fist, and bring violence to anyone who he believes that has done wrong towards him. In the beginning of the story Sartoris and Abner Snopes are in a court room being accused of burning down another man’s barn. Mr. Harris, the barn owner, explains how Abner Snopes pig repeatedly broke through hia fence escaping into Mr. Harris’s property. After multiple occurrences Mr. Harris demands one dollar from Abner Snopes for the return of his animal. A man is sent to Mr.  Harris’s with the money to buy back the hog but as a leaving message the man forewarns Mr. Harris that wood and hay are combustible. The judge decides that that alone is not enough to be used as proof so the case is dismissed. However, the judge lets Abner Snopes know that he wants him out of the county for good. Throughout the story it is obvious the Sartoris’s father is trying to influence him by teaching him how to be corrupt and embrace revenge trying to fool him with words such as â€Å"being loyal to your family before anything else. † (Faulkner) Colonel Sartoris Snopes is quite different from his father. Although his father attempts infusing him with potentially corruptive influence Sartoris has a sense of justice. His father tries to manipulate him by continuously explaining to him the importance of family loyalty, yet Sartoris’s conscious doesn’t agree with everything his father has to do or say. Sartoris’s worldview and morality was for more mature than that of his brothers’ who lacks the will power to stand up to his father. Eventually the family arrives to their new home. Destiny plays out and eventually Abner Snopes gets into his another argument and confrontation has begun. Abner snopes ruins a rug with manure and is told to clean it. He tries but the rug is ruined beyond repair so he is ordered to make a payment. He refuses, so once again they find themselves in court and he is than forced to pay for it. Frustrated and outraged Abner Snopes embraces his wanting of revenge and plans to light fire to the rug owners’ barn. He pours kerosene into a container and demands his son Sartoris to fetch him the oil. Instead he manages to escape and warn the owners of the barn of what is going on and his father is shot and killed. Sartoris acted out of the spur of the moment but he did what his heart wanted him to do. He sees through his Father’s attempts of manipulation and puts an end to his reign of terror over his family. In the end he decides that support he was receiving from his family that his father stated that they were continuously giving him, was something that he could do without. This story is not a typical one when it comes to the topic of child abuse. Most people would think that they would hear about starvation, or beatings, or sexual molestation. But child abuse is harming a child whether it be mentally or physically and forcing a child to live with something like this can be severely mentally damaging.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Arab League Essay -- essays research papers

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The Arab League.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The Arab League is a regional organization that was founded on March 22, 1945. The league’s function is to promote political cooperation among it’s member states, and to deal with disputes or any breaches of peace in the region. The league’s official name is the League of Arab States. The founding members of the league are: Egypt, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Jordan, and Yemen. Membership in the League was later extended to Algeria, Bahrain, Djibouti, Kuwait, Libya, Mauritania, Morocco, Oman, Qatar, Somalia, Southern Yemen, Sudan, Tunisia, and the United Arab Emirates. The headquarters of the League is located in Cairo, and it is run by a secretary general which is appointed by the league members.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The work of any international organization which attempts to promote peace, and political cooperation is usually confronted by several failures. However, in the case of the Arab League it has been evident that it is unable to sustain the peace within the region or aid in any political cooperation between the member states. The Gulf War could be said to be a test to the power of the Arab League and it’s presumed cooperation and handling problems strategies. The war started off by the invasion of Kuwait by it’s neighbor Iraq, both are member states in the A...

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Sri lanka agriculture development and rural economy

Dependency theory was really popular during 1960s and 1970s as a direct challenge to the free market theory which was popular during the post-war season. The theory was formulated in 1950s and it is drawn on Marxian analysis of planetary economic system. The theory explains the relationship between economically developed states ( Advanced states ) and developing states of the universe. Harmonizing to the theory, the developed states consider as the nucleus of the system and the developing states as the fringe of the system. When the system is working, resources flow from fringe developing states to the developed nucleus states. It is a cardinal contention of dependence theory that hapless provinces are impoverished and rich 1s enriched by the manner hapless provinces are integrated into the â€Å" universe system. † The dependence theory is applicable to most of the developing states in the universe except few illustrations like India and Taiwan. Harmonizing to my cognition the theory is applicable to all most all states in the south Asia including Sri Lanka. Sri Lanka was besides colonized by British Empire during 1815 – 1948 where it made a terrible harm to the Local civilization, Social life, independence every bit good as Economy. Even though the state has been ruled by local leaders from 1948, United Kingdom and other developed states have been created negative consequence on the development of the state. However, presently Sri Lanka is in a right tract toward the development, where the service sector and the fabrication sector shows a fast growing while the Agriculture sector shows a relatively slow growing. Tourism and other service subsectors have been well contributed to the economic system of the state. However the economic system of the state was opened to the universe market in 1977 and the state has been experienced both positive and negative impacts on the development positions. On the one manus most of the local baby industries were collapsed during the period as a negative consequence of the unfastened economic system. On the other manus most of the international investors and multinational carbon monoxide operations came to the state with their new engineerings which was utile to look in the universe market as a bring forthing state. Most of the developing states specially in south Asiatic states, including Sri Lanka have been depend on the IMF, World Bank, ADB and other multinational carbon monoxide operations to carry through their budget shortage through loans or grants under legion regulations and ordinances which severely consequence on the internal development. As consequence of that influence, most of those regional leaders every bit good as people of those states have a dependence outlook which was identified as the major constrain for the development. However, Sri Lanka was able to come in the in-between income state degree and presently the dependence outlook remains merely in some portion of rural countries of the state. In that scenario, Sri Lanka is no longer stray state in the universe, but still in the disadvantaged and developing side which needs particular protection and nutriment for local baby industries to protect them from the international competition. Consequently, Sri Lanka has to utilize different theoretical account which can pull strings the international competition within the state while absorbing the maximal public-service corporation form the international market. Harmonizing to my cognition and experience no any pure theory will helpful to utilize as it is for development in any state. Therefore, the state must hold their ain manner for development which has to critically see their ain resources and restrictions. â€Å" Poor but efficient Agriculture usage of developing state Traditional system † proposed by T.W. Schultz. This is one of a theory which tries to explicate the efficient usage of limited resources by hapless or developing husbandmans in developing states. The theory was foremost found in the T.W. Schultz ‘s book of Transforming Traditional Agriculture which was published in 1960s and the theory was really popular during that period. During 1950s and 1960s, Most of the economic experts and Policy shapers believed that the productiveness of Agriculture sector in developing states as really low. Therefore they argued that the fringy productiveness of the labor in those states as nothing. Hence those agribusiness labors could be transferred from the agribusiness sector to the industrialisation sector without holding any harm to the agribusiness sector. Therefore, it was besides widely accepted that husbandmans in developing states were guided by tradition or civilization. On the other manus they are non responded to the economic inducements. But Schultz argued that the husbandmans in developing states have really limited resources but most of the husbandmans use that limited resources expeditiously. However those husbandmans are hapless because of the other assorted grounds like cultural features such as deficiency of a work moral principle, deficiency of an apprehension of the thought of salvaging, or general ignorance of how to do best usage of their resources. Schultz argued that low income degrees in developing states agribusiness are a consequence of the low productiveness of the available factors of production, but non inefficiencies in their resource allotment. Subsequently, most of the researches have been conducted and accordingly the theory was through empirical observation proved utilizing the research conducted in several developing states. In Sri Lanka, there are plentifulness of little graduated table husbandmans who live under the poorness line but they use their limited resources expeditiously for their harvest cultivation. Water and fertiliser is the most scare resources in the dry zone of Sri Lankan husbandmans. They use particular agriculture pattern which is called as â€Å" Chena cultivation † . Even though that agriculture pattern is non recommended by most of the agriculturalist in the state, Chena cultivation is one of the largely adoptable patterns to utilize H2O and fertiliser. In this method husbandmans ever use new piece of land and they move to new a land in the following season. Farmers use all the vegetive parts as green manure and fire all the difficult parts of workss and mix with dirt as fertilisers. That organic manure covers all the alimentary demand of the new harvests. Farmers cultivate drought immune harvest varsities and cultivate as a mix harvest form. The system lowers the hazard of plague and disease incidence and good as maximise the use of wet. Farmers normally use household labors and utilize some excess labor merely in peak seasons. However, most of those husbandmans are hapless and the life base is besides low. There are many grounds behind the narrative and some of them are low salvaging rate, hapless cost direction, selling jobs, low substructure etc. In that sense, even today, the theory is applicable in most of the developing states and it is utile to understand their agriculture manner, populating manner of the husbandmans. On the other manus, it is utile to propose them to rectify their failings.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Education + Parents involvement Essay

Childhood carries a similar attitude for all the children [boys and girls] unto the age 3 years in respect of play, fun and learning. A careful study of Montessori education reveals that the child develops learning, reading and a domestic-kind of assignment as a workshop, tells a lot about the child within three years. This is irrespective of the gender. Reading skills are picked up by children only in this age. Influence on Early childhood education World Literacy of Canada (WLC) approach to early childhood education programming in recent years has been the Early Years of Study – This study of Reversing the Real Brain Drain (published in 1999) by Hon.Margaret Norrie McCain and Dr.J.Fraser Mustard. The findings are: Need for early childhood development programs based on the new understanding of brain development in the early years of and its effect on subsequent learning, behavior and health for individuals. First three years of a child, sets the stage for competence and coping skills for the later stages of life. Need for more integrated framework for early child development and parenting support. Recommendations for parental guidance: Parents must be provided with awareness, support and skills for the early development of their children. Build relation with children. Undertake programs to parents and educators to learn new ways to nurture children and develop responsive relationships between adults and children. Participation of parents in children’s programs. ï‚ § Interactive and supportive learning system with children along with parents. ï‚ § Active role with children in play and reading at home. ï‚ § Create a safe and friendly environment for children. ï‚ § Create programs where children of all backgrounds and abilities will feel loved and valued – this will stimulate brain development, learning and self-confidence. ï‚ § Play-based learning, and problem solving for young children under the guidance of educators and parents. Resources of early childhood development ï  ¶ Toy and resource libraries ï  ¶ Nutrition programs ï  ¶ Cultural events for children .e.g mobile toy book lending libraries ï  ¶ Theme-based learning ï  ¶ Play-kits. Special efforts and care for parents who are isolated to participate and benefit from the program. Create an awareness that children are part of social structure and emphasis on early childhood development. Parents involvement and its influence on achievement of Reading by students. The approach of the parent towards children is of similar kind with regard to education. Parents who stay-at-home moms can dedicate more time for motivating children in their reading habits especially to boys, by studying their interests and by discussing the topics which will detail about their approach to reading habits. Compelling boys to read for a certain hours of a day, forcibly, would not derive maximum results, as some parents believe. Instead motivation and allowing the boys to think and re-think about themselves, is certainly an achievement for the parents in the long run for developing reading habits. Today’s tech-savvy days also stand as a hindrance to the attainment of reading habits to children. The reason being, an easy access to television, computer, internet, video games, cartoon movies has enabled the children to move away from books, which is not at all a good ground for school education. Parental guidance with teacher’s support is the only solution for imbibing reading habits to children. For instance, the recent ‘Harry Potter’ novels have created a large amount of selling of books around the world. Harry Potter, movies as well as books have been sold by publishers. This includes readers of all ages, including adolescents. †¢ Sorcerer’s Stone †¢ Chamber of Secrets †¢ Prisoner of Ascaban †¢ Goblet of fire This is a relevant example, that children do read books, based on fiction, magic and fun. When it comes to the reading of curriculum, children may not feel as interesting as the fiction is. There is still scope for creating energy and interest among the students, and it mostly rests on the shoulders of parents and teachers. The precious hours of study of students are in the environment of school. The core area for their their learning activity and personality development. Students depict 60 percent effect of their school, while the parental guidance is only 40 percent. Most of the part what they are is shaped only in school. It is a well-known fact that parents and teachers work together to bring the best out of the students. How can parents tell if teachers are doing a good job?   Ed World’s â€Å"Principal Files† team members offer their perspective. Included: Look at the work students bring home and â€Å"the hard sell†. Parents communication with teachers is the key ingredient to the parents to know how their children are studying in the school. Term Grade papers, newsletters give a correct picture of students performance. According to Principal Nina Newlin â€Å"A teacher who has a good relationship with students is likely to be a regular parent informant†. nformation can be through email, telephone but there is a genuine concern about events in classroom to inform to the parents.. Mostly students evaluate a good’ teacher. Parents are also are guided by students in getting answers for their questions.   Students are always honest in answering to the questions of parents about the events in the classroom. Conversation at dinner table, a look at home work or a independent activity given, suggest to the parents, the performance of their children. A prompt check over the assignments is very important duty on the part of parents for the overall efficiency of the student. It also discloses a fact to the student that he/she is being monitored closely and there’s no opportunity to haywire. Many schools follow the procedure of being fair in classroom rules and procedures, tough in standards of performance, and fun in learning and classroom lessonsâ€Å"follow them home† wherever it is required.   Visiting school premises and watching students in the classroom also gives a true picture and to the satisfaction of the parents.   Volunteering also helps parent-teacher community to train the students for maximum achievements in their academic pursuit. Ultimately, if the student is happy and active in and out of learning area, it is learnt by the parent that the student is learning and happy in school area. What are effective steps for boys literacy with the involvement of parents Many child psychologists agree that adaptation of psychological methods to motivate children in inculcating reading habits, would certainly bring about a change in the development of boys. A thorough, methodical and continuous assistance of the parents is required, without imposing any punishments but rewards for one-to-one achievements that a child is prompted to do. In other words, ‘if you read this particular book and tell me’ ‘a reward would be a candy or a snack of your choice’. To this many child psychologists agree. Children are more smarter than parents. Therefore, parents must never let the children know that they are indirectly pursuing the children towards the concept of ‘sit with books for hours and read’, instead an idea of ‘helping hand’ or an atmosphere of an activity should be created. Parents can also prepare a long-term plan for improving the reading habits, by maintaining a statistical record of hours of reading spent by the child. This will also give a clear picture to the parent, whether the goal is being attained. A good amount patience, having a great understanding about the child, likes and dislikes, dos and don’ts, individual perception of the child towards the environment, study of personality will truly help the parent to remove the lacunae in the child. Particularly in the case of boys, in their adolescence they are action oriented. In other words, play indoor games, outdoor games, video games, watch movies, ride bikes, are some of the areas of interest for a large number of boys. A good and plain discussion with boys, about their activities outdoor, at school or college, a bit of guidance, without involving any argumentative statements, will direct the boys to ‘the thinking area’ of their own attainments and to reach set goals. A good friend for a boy should be made available ‘at home itself’ and that is none other than the ‘parent’. Many experts on education made the research study on boys reading habits. They formed an opinion that, boys mostly feel reading is an activity done by girls. Thus, boys are trailing behind the girls. A recent study in Canada, published in ‘Reading Manitoba’ found that 76% of the boys interviewed did not see reading as a feminine activity, and 73% enjoyed reading. Experts opine that offering the choice of material according to the boys interest, would be a good solution in achieving reading habits to the boys. Conclusion Education for children all over the world carries a great importance. Nations which are developed have more advanced sources for imparting education viz., Australia, Newzealand, U.S., Britain.   An analysis of education states that, many parents opt education overseas instead of domestic education. The reason being, parents believe, that the overseas curriculum is extensive, focusing the student to many aspects of education. Although this is partly true, the domestic education shapes the students [K-12] and effective methods of imparting education and touching the interests areas of students must be developed. For instance., domestic projects, like ‘how to do laundry’ ‘how to be a good host’ ‘attend a super market’, these will outline the interests of a students and reveal so much of personality from the students. Based on the results, parents and teachers can study their interests, and accordingly encourage them reading habits in those areas, thereby students also begin to learn to be active.   Modern day system of education, is such as mushroom of notes and homework, internals, exams, to some extent children also feel agitated over the system of education and lose the interest in studies. Adding to this, if parents emphasise more on reading, they catch the boredom and flee to find fund moments elsewhere, which is a common factor among students.   Finally to conclude, a change in system of education, close monitoring by parents and teachers will only lead the children back to the good old days of reading comics, enid blytons, phantom or sherlock holmes. Article by Gary Hopkins,Education World ® Copyright  © 2004 Education World

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

The Scarlett Letter essays

The Scarlett Letter essays Hawthorne handles his flirtation with the supernatural in various ways and I feel that they are expressed through three themes and those themes are wildness, the scarlet color, and honesty. Many times with in the story pearl is regarded as being a wild child and fitting in with nature or being an elf child. When Dimmesdale finally admits that Pearl is his child it is if that wildness leaves and pearl becomes a normal human with feelings. The scarlet color is most notably associated with the scarlet letter on Hesters heart but it goes beyond that. The scarlet color is seen in various instances and that is all thanks to the various supernatural events in the book. Honesty is also a main theme in the book that is related to being supernatural, through the entire story Pearl is cautious around Dimmesdale and detects various awkward things about him and that is because he has wet to acknowledge Pearl in public. Often times within the book Pearl is regarded as being wild but that is not wildness starts. Wildness starts when Chillingworth first enters the story and he talks of how he has learned various things in the woods with the Indians. Often times when Hester goes to talk she will tell Pearl to go and play in the forest. Pearl has no problems finding amusement in the forest she often imitates her mothers Scarlet Letter. When Hester and Dimmesdale make the plans to escape New England Pearl is told to go off and play. When Hester calls out for Pearl it is if Pearl will not respond and that is because it seems as if Pearl is one with the forest. Dimmesdale even makes the comment that Pearl must be left behind and that is because the stream is the boundary between two world and Pearl can not cross the stream. During one episode of Pearl playing in the forest she is throwing stones and hits and injures a bird. She stops and is saddened by the fact that she could hurt something as wild as h erself. ...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Wars Evolution Essays

Wars Evolution Essays Wars Evolution Essay Wars Evolution Essay War has been part of our history ever since the dawn of time. Even when our ancestors were still using primitive rocks to sustain their also very primitive lives, wars have been fought between tribes for control of territory and small resources. Those wars were not fought with the future in mind, those wars were just fought for the simplest of things. War is our curse, a curse that poisons every inch of the goodness inside. Our human greed, our human imperfections act as the catalyst of war, fuels it to the point that it becomes a burning fire filled with rage, anger, greed and the lust for power.It begins engulfing everything in flames of spears, swords, missiles, bullets and nukes. This fire we call war is simply sparked by a number of reasons, no matter how stupid or childish the reason, it still is war. For once the nations of Honduras and El Salvador declared war on each other after El Salvador won a FIFA World Cup qualifying round against Honduras. In an cient times, a woman whose beauty caught the eye of a Trojan prince began a war which was is part of ancient lore, the Trojan War, where the magnificent beauty of Helen of Troy sent a thousand ships, Greek ships to be exact.If wars are sparked by the beauty of a woman and a defeat in a soccer match, what more blind reasons could we humans fight wars with? We have fought millions of wars between ourselves and no war has ended all wars. We fight it for millions of reasons and can only be justifiable by ourselves. The million times we fought have really brought the worst of humanity. In every war there is no rule book, no proper rules of engagement, no rules that could contain the bloodiness of war. For these reason war is an uncontrollable fire that engulfs anything in its path with no slight twitch of remorse.We have killed billions of our kind, men, women and children were shown no mercy as they were shot, stabbed, burned, gas chambered and left to bleed or rot in a street somewhere . Or even buried en mass in the middle of nowhere. Innocent children who had their entire lives ahead of them were just shot like animals to be harvested. The realities of war are totally different from the explosive action we see on television because in war the battles are not only fought between this side and that, soldiers, generals and leaders fight a inner war between themselves, struggling to make themselves think right in the middle of the berserk that is war.Struggling to understand the horrors they have caused. Wars have never really left the confines of people’s daily lives, we still war with each other no matter how highly educated we are on how war affects persons across nations, as war chooses none. It’s a well oiled machine that knows no mercy. War drives people insane, war is a melancholy truth that even bravest of humanity could not withstand. It has done no good, to the victor it might have given him glory the spoils of war, to the vanquished it must have brought about shame and horrifying defeat, but no side has truly won, for both sides have lost so many in such bloody battles.They have sent fathers and husbands to their deaths. But war is sometimes the only option, the only option left to take even if we all know it’s horrible effects on our daily lives. Therefore I, a lowly student who is just a spectator of wars, that no matter how much we have evolved our weapons from rocks to nukes, no matter how much we have developed weapons of mass destruction that our ancestors thought unfeasible, I could simple say, WAR, war never changes.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

How Teachers Can Make Effective Discipline Decisions

How Teachers Can Make Effective Discipline Decisions A major component of being an effective teacher is making correct classroom discipline decisions. Teachers who cannot manage student discipline in their classroom are limited in their overall effectiveness in almost every other area of teaching. Classroom discipline in that sense may be the most critical component of being an outstanding teacher. Effective Classroom Discipline Strategies Effective classroom discipline starts during the first minute of the first day of school. Many students come in looking to see what they can get away with. It is necessary to establish your expectations, procedures, and consequences for dealing with any violation immediately. Within the first few days, these expectations and procedures should be the focal point of discussion. They should be practiced as often as possible. It is also important to understand that kids will still be kids. At some point, they will test you and push the envelope to see how you are going to handle it. It is essential that each situation is handled on a case by case basis taking into account the nature of the incident, history of the student, and reflecting on how you have handled similar cases in the past. Gaining a reputation as a strict teacher is a beneficial thing, especially if you are also known as fair. It is far better to be strict than to be known as a push over because you are trying to get your students to like you. Ultimately your students will respect you more if your classroom is structured and every student is held accountable for their actions. Students will also respect you more if you handle the majority of the discipline decisions yourself rather than passing them on to the principal. Most issues that occur in the classroom are minor in nature and can and should be dealt with by the teacher. However, there are many teachers that send every student straight to the office. This will ultimately undermine their authority and students will see them as weak creating more issues. There are definite cases that merit an office referral, but most can be dealt with by the teacher. The following is a sample blueprint of how five common issues could be handled. It is only intended to serve as a guide and to provoke thought and discussion. Each of the following problems is typical to what any teacher may see occur in their classroom. The scenarios given are pos- investigation, giving you what was proved to have actually happened. Disciplinary Issues and Recommendations Excessive Talking Introduction: Excessive talking can become a serious issue in any classroom if it is not handled immediately. It is contagious by nature. Two students engaging in a conversation during class can quickly turn into a loud and disruptive whole classroom affair. There are times that talking is needed and acceptable, but students must be taught the difference between classroom discussion and engaging in conversation about what they are going to be doing on the weekend. Scenario: Two 7th grade girls have been engaged in constant chatter throughout the morning. The teacher has given two warnings to quit, but it has continued. Several students are now complaining about being disrupted by their talking. One of these students has had this issue on several other occasions while the other hasn’t been in trouble for anything. Consequences: The first thing is to separate the two students. Isolate the student, who has had similar issues, from the other students by moving her next to your desk. Give both of them several days of detention. Contact both parents explaining the situation. Finally, create a plan and share it with the girls and their parents detailing how this issue will be dealt with if it continues in the future. Cheating Introduction: Cheating is something that is nearly impossible to stop especially for work that is done outside of class. However, when you do catch students cheating, you should use them to set an example that you hope will deter other students from engaging in the same practice. Students should be taught that cheating will not help them even if they get away with it. Scenario: A high school Biology I teacher is giving a test and catches two students using answers they had written on their hands. Consequences: The teacher should take their tests up immediately and give them both zeros. The teacher could also give them several days of detention or be creative by giving them an assignment such as writing a paper explaining why students shouldn’t cheat. The teacher should also contact both students’ parents explaining the situation to them. Failure to Bring Appropriate Materials Introduction: When students fail to bring materials to class such as pencils, paper, and books it becomes annoying and ultimately takes up valuable class time. Most students who continuously forget to bring their materials to class have an organization problem. Scenario: An 8th-grade boy routinely comes to math class without his book or some other required material. This typically happens 2-3 times per week. The teacher has given the student detention on multiple occasions, but it has not been effective in correcting the behavior. Consequences: This student likely has a problem with organization. The teacher should set up a parent meeting and include the student. During the meeting create a plan to help the student with organization at school. In the plan include strategies such as daily locker checks and assigning a responsible student to assist the student in getting the needed materials to each class. Give the student and parent suggestions and strategies to work on organization at home. Refusal to Complete Work Introduction: This is an issue that can swell from something minor to something major very quickly. This isn’t a problem that should ever be ignored. Concepts are taught sequentially, so even missing one assignment, could lead to gaps down the road. Scenario: A 3rd-grade student hasn’t completed two reading assignments in a row. When asked why, he says that he didn’t have time to do them even though most other students finished the assignments during class. Consequences: No student should be allowed to take a zero. It is essential that the student be required to complete the assignment even if only partial credit is given. This will keep the student from missing a key concept. The student could be required to stay after school for extra tutoring to make up the assignments. The parent should be contacted, and a specific plan should be designed to discourage this issue from becoming a habit. Conflict Between Students Introduction: There will likely always be petty conflicts between students for various reasons. It doesn’t take long for a pretty conflict to turn into an all out fight. That is why it is necessary to get to the root of the conflict and put a stop to it immediately. Scenario: Two 5th grade boys come back from lunch upset at each other. The conflict hasn’t become physical, but the two have exchanged words without cursing. After some investigation, the teacher determines that the boys are arguing because they both have a crush on the same girl. Consequences: The teacher should start by reiterating the fighting policy to both boys. Asking the principal to take a few minutes to speak with both boys about the situation can also help deter further issues. Typically a situation like this will diffuse itself if both parties are reminded of the consequences if it progresses any further.