Wednesday, October 30, 2019


OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT ON ALTAVISTA VS ASKJEEVES - Assignment Example When so many websites have come and gone without leaving a trail of their disappearance, AltaVista and Ask have quite successfully held on to the tide so far, with plans for further growth in the near future. The operations system of an organization is the part that produces the organization's products - in case of manufacturing organisations and that polishes the service operations making them more user friendly - in case of service oriented organizations. In fact operations management has its origins in the study of 'production' or 'manufacturing management'. In some organizations the product is a physical (tangible) good like a television, computer system, furniture item etc. while in others, the 'product' is a service like health care, insurance, telephone services, internet searches, tourist services etc. What is common in both these types of operations is the 'conversion process.' Resources are used by the system in the 'input' chain, which gets converted into valuable 'outputs' after passing through this conversions process. This is where the role of operations management comes into picture. ... e essence of operations management comes into play; it calls for making rational decisions in difficult circumstances with limited, imperfect information. Operations management can therefore be defined as1 'the design, operation and improvement of the internal and external systems, resources and technologies that create and deliver the firm's primary product and service combinations' Problem Statement In this study we'll be trying to study the operational strategies of AltaVista and Ask Jeeves. During the course of study, we'll be taking a look at how both these companies have evolved over the years. Both these search engines have had differing amounts of successes during the course of their journey. We'll try to compare some of operational aspects of these companies and comment on their success or failures. Analysis Internet has indeed established itself as a potent source of information. There are innumerable numbers of sources of information, which tend to prove detrimental for the information seeker. As per the latest available figures, more than a billion users have been using the internet worldwide. But to take the desired piece of information out of the huge information databank, search engine prove very useful. Search engines appeared on the scene during the early 90s. Since then there have been many evolutionary changes in the search engine technologies. The market is led by the likes of Google and Yahoo. This study is carried out to analyze the market position of AltaVista vis--vis Ask (formerly known as Ask Jeeves). The search engines started to provide a list of web sites where we were supposed to find responses to our search terms. The websites appearing in response may have answer to our query or might prove to be irrelevant. Search engines like Ask

Monday, October 28, 2019

Literary Analysis of Barn Burning Essay Example for Free

Literary Analysis of Barn Burning Essay Child abuse has been a common occurrence throughout the times of this world. In the story Barn Burning that was written by the author William Faulkner, a story is told of a boy named Colonel Sartoris Snopes who lives with his family. His father is a man who has seen the brutality of war and has a very cold heart. His name is Abner Snopes. His heart is so cold that it is almost as if he is not even human. William Faulkner in the story uses words comparing Abner Snopes to a house fly, or stinging wasp and also says that he lifts his hand like a curled claw. This suggests that the Author was trying to give the readers an image of Abner Snopes being someone who lacked human qualities. Mainly he lacked qualities such as compassion and understanding. Abner Snopes outer appearance completely reflects his inner emotions. His leg being shot in the war as he was attempting to steal confederate horses from for his very own self profit, drags behind him everywhere he goes. This image fits well with the strange ideology of family values he has, as well as the inner corruption and love of revenge that this character embodies. He compensates for these lack of human qualities by ruling over his family with an iron fist, and bring violence to anyone who he believes that has done wrong towards him. In the beginning of the story Sartoris and Abner Snopes are in a court room being accused of burning down another man’s barn. Mr. Harris, the barn owner, explains how Abner Snopes pig repeatedly broke through hia fence escaping into Mr. Harris’s property. After multiple occurrences Mr. Harris demands one dollar from Abner Snopes for the return of his animal. A man is sent to Mr.  Harris’s with the money to buy back the hog but as a leaving message the man forewarns Mr. Harris that wood and hay are combustible. The judge decides that that alone is not enough to be used as proof so the case is dismissed. However, the judge lets Abner Snopes know that he wants him out of the county for good. Throughout the story it is obvious the Sartoris’s father is trying to influence him by teaching him how to be corrupt and embrace revenge trying to fool him with words such as â€Å"being loyal to your family before anything else. † (Faulkner) Colonel Sartoris Snopes is quite different from his father. Although his father attempts infusing him with potentially corruptive influence Sartoris has a sense of justice. His father tries to manipulate him by continuously explaining to him the importance of family loyalty, yet Sartoris’s conscious doesn’t agree with everything his father has to do or say. Sartoris’s worldview and morality was for more mature than that of his brothers’ who lacks the will power to stand up to his father. Eventually the family arrives to their new home. Destiny plays out and eventually Abner Snopes gets into his another argument and confrontation has begun. Abner snopes ruins a rug with manure and is told to clean it. He tries but the rug is ruined beyond repair so he is ordered to make a payment. He refuses, so once again they find themselves in court and he is than forced to pay for it. Frustrated and outraged Abner Snopes embraces his wanting of revenge and plans to light fire to the rug owners’ barn. He pours kerosene into a container and demands his son Sartoris to fetch him the oil. Instead he manages to escape and warn the owners of the barn of what is going on and his father is shot and killed. Sartoris acted out of the spur of the moment but he did what his heart wanted him to do. He sees through his Father’s attempts of manipulation and puts an end to his reign of terror over his family. In the end he decides that support he was receiving from his family that his father stated that they were continuously giving him, was something that he could do without. This story is not a typical one when it comes to the topic of child abuse. Most people would think that they would hear about starvation, or beatings, or sexual molestation. But child abuse is harming a child whether it be mentally or physically and forcing a child to live with something like this can be severely mentally damaging.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Arab League Essay -- essays research papers

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The Arab League.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The Arab League is a regional organization that was founded on March 22, 1945. The league’s function is to promote political cooperation among it’s member states, and to deal with disputes or any breaches of peace in the region. The league’s official name is the League of Arab States. The founding members of the league are: Egypt, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Jordan, and Yemen. Membership in the League was later extended to Algeria, Bahrain, Djibouti, Kuwait, Libya, Mauritania, Morocco, Oman, Qatar, Somalia, Southern Yemen, Sudan, Tunisia, and the United Arab Emirates. The headquarters of the League is located in Cairo, and it is run by a secretary general which is appointed by the league members.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The work of any international organization which attempts to promote peace, and political cooperation is usually confronted by several failures. However, in the case of the Arab League it has been evident that it is unable to sustain the peace within the region or aid in any political cooperation between the member states. The Gulf War could be said to be a test to the power of the Arab League and it’s presumed cooperation and handling problems strategies. The war started off by the invasion of Kuwait by it’s neighbor Iraq, both are member states in the A...

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Sri lanka agriculture development and rural economy

Dependency theory was really popular during 1960s and 1970s as a direct challenge to the free market theory which was popular during the post-war season. The theory was formulated in 1950s and it is drawn on Marxian analysis of planetary economic system. The theory explains the relationship between economically developed states ( Advanced states ) and developing states of the universe. Harmonizing to the theory, the developed states consider as the nucleus of the system and the developing states as the fringe of the system. When the system is working, resources flow from fringe developing states to the developed nucleus states. It is a cardinal contention of dependence theory that hapless provinces are impoverished and rich 1s enriched by the manner hapless provinces are integrated into the â€Å" universe system. † The dependence theory is applicable to most of the developing states in the universe except few illustrations like India and Taiwan. Harmonizing to my cognition the theory is applicable to all most all states in the south Asia including Sri Lanka. Sri Lanka was besides colonized by British Empire during 1815 – 1948 where it made a terrible harm to the Local civilization, Social life, independence every bit good as Economy. Even though the state has been ruled by local leaders from 1948, United Kingdom and other developed states have been created negative consequence on the development of the state. However, presently Sri Lanka is in a right tract toward the development, where the service sector and the fabrication sector shows a fast growing while the Agriculture sector shows a relatively slow growing. Tourism and other service subsectors have been well contributed to the economic system of the state. However the economic system of the state was opened to the universe market in 1977 and the state has been experienced both positive and negative impacts on the development positions. On the one manus most of the local baby industries were collapsed during the period as a negative consequence of the unfastened economic system. On the other manus most of the international investors and multinational carbon monoxide operations came to the state with their new engineerings which was utile to look in the universe market as a bring forthing state. Most of the developing states specially in south Asiatic states, including Sri Lanka have been depend on the IMF, World Bank, ADB and other multinational carbon monoxide operations to carry through their budget shortage through loans or grants under legion regulations and ordinances which severely consequence on the internal development. As consequence of that influence, most of those regional leaders every bit good as people of those states have a dependence outlook which was identified as the major constrain for the development. However, Sri Lanka was able to come in the in-between income state degree and presently the dependence outlook remains merely in some portion of rural countries of the state. In that scenario, Sri Lanka is no longer stray state in the universe, but still in the disadvantaged and developing side which needs particular protection and nutriment for local baby industries to protect them from the international competition. Consequently, Sri Lanka has to utilize different theoretical account which can pull strings the international competition within the state while absorbing the maximal public-service corporation form the international market. Harmonizing to my cognition and experience no any pure theory will helpful to utilize as it is for development in any state. Therefore, the state must hold their ain manner for development which has to critically see their ain resources and restrictions. â€Å" Poor but efficient Agriculture usage of developing state Traditional system † proposed by T.W. Schultz. This is one of a theory which tries to explicate the efficient usage of limited resources by hapless or developing husbandmans in developing states. The theory was foremost found in the T.W. Schultz ‘s book of Transforming Traditional Agriculture which was published in 1960s and the theory was really popular during that period. During 1950s and 1960s, Most of the economic experts and Policy shapers believed that the productiveness of Agriculture sector in developing states as really low. Therefore they argued that the fringy productiveness of the labor in those states as nothing. Hence those agribusiness labors could be transferred from the agribusiness sector to the industrialisation sector without holding any harm to the agribusiness sector. Therefore, it was besides widely accepted that husbandmans in developing states were guided by tradition or civilization. On the other manus they are non responded to the economic inducements. But Schultz argued that the husbandmans in developing states have really limited resources but most of the husbandmans use that limited resources expeditiously. However those husbandmans are hapless because of the other assorted grounds like cultural features such as deficiency of a work moral principle, deficiency of an apprehension of the thought of salvaging, or general ignorance of how to do best usage of their resources. Schultz argued that low income degrees in developing states agribusiness are a consequence of the low productiveness of the available factors of production, but non inefficiencies in their resource allotment. Subsequently, most of the researches have been conducted and accordingly the theory was through empirical observation proved utilizing the research conducted in several developing states. In Sri Lanka, there are plentifulness of little graduated table husbandmans who live under the poorness line but they use their limited resources expeditiously for their harvest cultivation. Water and fertiliser is the most scare resources in the dry zone of Sri Lankan husbandmans. They use particular agriculture pattern which is called as â€Å" Chena cultivation † . Even though that agriculture pattern is non recommended by most of the agriculturalist in the state, Chena cultivation is one of the largely adoptable patterns to utilize H2O and fertiliser. In this method husbandmans ever use new piece of land and they move to new a land in the following season. Farmers use all the vegetive parts as green manure and fire all the difficult parts of workss and mix with dirt as fertilisers. That organic manure covers all the alimentary demand of the new harvests. Farmers cultivate drought immune harvest varsities and cultivate as a mix harvest form. The system lowers the hazard of plague and disease incidence and good as maximise the use of wet. Farmers normally use household labors and utilize some excess labor merely in peak seasons. However, most of those husbandmans are hapless and the life base is besides low. There are many grounds behind the narrative and some of them are low salvaging rate, hapless cost direction, selling jobs, low substructure etc. In that sense, even today, the theory is applicable in most of the developing states and it is utile to understand their agriculture manner, populating manner of the husbandmans. On the other manus, it is utile to propose them to rectify their failings.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Education + Parents involvement Essay

Childhood carries a similar attitude for all the children [boys and girls] unto the age 3 years in respect of play, fun and learning. A careful study of Montessori education reveals that the child develops learning, reading and a domestic-kind of assignment as a workshop, tells a lot about the child within three years. This is irrespective of the gender. Reading skills are picked up by children only in this age. Influence on Early childhood education World Literacy of Canada (WLC) approach to early childhood education programming in recent years has been the Early Years of Study – This study of Reversing the Real Brain Drain (published in 1999) by Hon.Margaret Norrie McCain and Dr.J.Fraser Mustard. The findings are: Need for early childhood development programs based on the new understanding of brain development in the early years of and its effect on subsequent learning, behavior and health for individuals. First three years of a child, sets the stage for competence and coping skills for the later stages of life. Need for more integrated framework for early child development and parenting support. Recommendations for parental guidance: Parents must be provided with awareness, support and skills for the early development of their children. Build relation with children. Undertake programs to parents and educators to learn new ways to nurture children and develop responsive relationships between adults and children. Participation of parents in children’s programs. ï‚ § Interactive and supportive learning system with children along with parents. ï‚ § Active role with children in play and reading at home. ï‚ § Create a safe and friendly environment for children. ï‚ § Create programs where children of all backgrounds and abilities will feel loved and valued – this will stimulate brain development, learning and self-confidence. ï‚ § Play-based learning, and problem solving for young children under the guidance of educators and parents. Resources of early childhood development ï  ¶ Toy and resource libraries ï  ¶ Nutrition programs ï  ¶ Cultural events for children .e.g mobile toy book lending libraries ï  ¶ Theme-based learning ï  ¶ Play-kits. Special efforts and care for parents who are isolated to participate and benefit from the program. Create an awareness that children are part of social structure and emphasis on early childhood development. Parents involvement and its influence on achievement of Reading by students. The approach of the parent towards children is of similar kind with regard to education. Parents who stay-at-home moms can dedicate more time for motivating children in their reading habits especially to boys, by studying their interests and by discussing the topics which will detail about their approach to reading habits. Compelling boys to read for a certain hours of a day, forcibly, would not derive maximum results, as some parents believe. Instead motivation and allowing the boys to think and re-think about themselves, is certainly an achievement for the parents in the long run for developing reading habits. Today’s tech-savvy days also stand as a hindrance to the attainment of reading habits to children. The reason being, an easy access to television, computer, internet, video games, cartoon movies has enabled the children to move away from books, which is not at all a good ground for school education. Parental guidance with teacher’s support is the only solution for imbibing reading habits to children. For instance, the recent ‘Harry Potter’ novels have created a large amount of selling of books around the world. Harry Potter, movies as well as books have been sold by publishers. This includes readers of all ages, including adolescents. †¢ Sorcerer’s Stone †¢ Chamber of Secrets †¢ Prisoner of Ascaban †¢ Goblet of fire This is a relevant example, that children do read books, based on fiction, magic and fun. When it comes to the reading of curriculum, children may not feel as interesting as the fiction is. There is still scope for creating energy and interest among the students, and it mostly rests on the shoulders of parents and teachers. The precious hours of study of students are in the environment of school. The core area for their their learning activity and personality development. Students depict 60 percent effect of their school, while the parental guidance is only 40 percent. Most of the part what they are is shaped only in school. It is a well-known fact that parents and teachers work together to bring the best out of the students. How can parents tell if teachers are doing a good job?   Ed World’s â€Å"Principal Files† team members offer their perspective. Included: Look at the work students bring home and â€Å"the hard sell†. Parents communication with teachers is the key ingredient to the parents to know how their children are studying in the school. Term Grade papers, newsletters give a correct picture of students performance. According to Principal Nina Newlin â€Å"A teacher who has a good relationship with students is likely to be a regular parent informant†. nformation can be through email, telephone but there is a genuine concern about events in classroom to inform to the parents.. Mostly students evaluate a good’ teacher. Parents are also are guided by students in getting answers for their questions.   Students are always honest in answering to the questions of parents about the events in the classroom. Conversation at dinner table, a look at home work or a independent activity given, suggest to the parents, the performance of their children. A prompt check over the assignments is very important duty on the part of parents for the overall efficiency of the student. It also discloses a fact to the student that he/she is being monitored closely and there’s no opportunity to haywire. Many schools follow the procedure of being fair in classroom rules and procedures, tough in standards of performance, and fun in learning and classroom lessonsâ€Å"follow them home† wherever it is required.   Visiting school premises and watching students in the classroom also gives a true picture and to the satisfaction of the parents.   Volunteering also helps parent-teacher community to train the students for maximum achievements in their academic pursuit. Ultimately, if the student is happy and active in and out of learning area, it is learnt by the parent that the student is learning and happy in school area. What are effective steps for boys literacy with the involvement of parents Many child psychologists agree that adaptation of psychological methods to motivate children in inculcating reading habits, would certainly bring about a change in the development of boys. A thorough, methodical and continuous assistance of the parents is required, without imposing any punishments but rewards for one-to-one achievements that a child is prompted to do. In other words, ‘if you read this particular book and tell me’ ‘a reward would be a candy or a snack of your choice’. To this many child psychologists agree. Children are more smarter than parents. Therefore, parents must never let the children know that they are indirectly pursuing the children towards the concept of ‘sit with books for hours and read’, instead an idea of ‘helping hand’ or an atmosphere of an activity should be created. Parents can also prepare a long-term plan for improving the reading habits, by maintaining a statistical record of hours of reading spent by the child. This will also give a clear picture to the parent, whether the goal is being attained. A good amount patience, having a great understanding about the child, likes and dislikes, dos and don’ts, individual perception of the child towards the environment, study of personality will truly help the parent to remove the lacunae in the child. Particularly in the case of boys, in their adolescence they are action oriented. In other words, play indoor games, outdoor games, video games, watch movies, ride bikes, are some of the areas of interest for a large number of boys. A good and plain discussion with boys, about their activities outdoor, at school or college, a bit of guidance, without involving any argumentative statements, will direct the boys to ‘the thinking area’ of their own attainments and to reach set goals. A good friend for a boy should be made available ‘at home itself’ and that is none other than the ‘parent’. Many experts on education made the research study on boys reading habits. They formed an opinion that, boys mostly feel reading is an activity done by girls. Thus, boys are trailing behind the girls. A recent study in Canada, published in ‘Reading Manitoba’ found that 76% of the boys interviewed did not see reading as a feminine activity, and 73% enjoyed reading. Experts opine that offering the choice of material according to the boys interest, would be a good solution in achieving reading habits to the boys. Conclusion Education for children all over the world carries a great importance. Nations which are developed have more advanced sources for imparting education viz., Australia, Newzealand, U.S., Britain.   An analysis of education states that, many parents opt education overseas instead of domestic education. The reason being, parents believe, that the overseas curriculum is extensive, focusing the student to many aspects of education. Although this is partly true, the domestic education shapes the students [K-12] and effective methods of imparting education and touching the interests areas of students must be developed. For instance., domestic projects, like ‘how to do laundry’ ‘how to be a good host’ ‘attend a super market’, these will outline the interests of a students and reveal so much of personality from the students. Based on the results, parents and teachers can study their interests, and accordingly encourage them reading habits in those areas, thereby students also begin to learn to be active.   Modern day system of education, is such as mushroom of notes and homework, internals, exams, to some extent children also feel agitated over the system of education and lose the interest in studies. Adding to this, if parents emphasise more on reading, they catch the boredom and flee to find fund moments elsewhere, which is a common factor among students.   Finally to conclude, a change in system of education, close monitoring by parents and teachers will only lead the children back to the good old days of reading comics, enid blytons, phantom or sherlock holmes. Article by Gary Hopkins,Education World ® Copyright  © 2004 Education World

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

The Scarlett Letter essays

The Scarlett Letter essays Hawthorne handles his flirtation with the supernatural in various ways and I feel that they are expressed through three themes and those themes are wildness, the scarlet color, and honesty. Many times with in the story pearl is regarded as being a wild child and fitting in with nature or being an elf child. When Dimmesdale finally admits that Pearl is his child it is if that wildness leaves and pearl becomes a normal human with feelings. The scarlet color is most notably associated with the scarlet letter on Hesters heart but it goes beyond that. The scarlet color is seen in various instances and that is all thanks to the various supernatural events in the book. Honesty is also a main theme in the book that is related to being supernatural, through the entire story Pearl is cautious around Dimmesdale and detects various awkward things about him and that is because he has wet to acknowledge Pearl in public. Often times within the book Pearl is regarded as being wild but that is not wildness starts. Wildness starts when Chillingworth first enters the story and he talks of how he has learned various things in the woods with the Indians. Often times when Hester goes to talk she will tell Pearl to go and play in the forest. Pearl has no problems finding amusement in the forest she often imitates her mothers Scarlet Letter. When Hester and Dimmesdale make the plans to escape New England Pearl is told to go off and play. When Hester calls out for Pearl it is if Pearl will not respond and that is because it seems as if Pearl is one with the forest. Dimmesdale even makes the comment that Pearl must be left behind and that is because the stream is the boundary between two world and Pearl can not cross the stream. During one episode of Pearl playing in the forest she is throwing stones and hits and injures a bird. She stops and is saddened by the fact that she could hurt something as wild as h erself. ...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Wars Evolution Essays

Wars Evolution Essays Wars Evolution Essay Wars Evolution Essay War has been part of our history ever since the dawn of time. Even when our ancestors were still using primitive rocks to sustain their also very primitive lives, wars have been fought between tribes for control of territory and small resources. Those wars were not fought with the future in mind, those wars were just fought for the simplest of things. War is our curse, a curse that poisons every inch of the goodness inside. Our human greed, our human imperfections act as the catalyst of war, fuels it to the point that it becomes a burning fire filled with rage, anger, greed and the lust for power.It begins engulfing everything in flames of spears, swords, missiles, bullets and nukes. This fire we call war is simply sparked by a number of reasons, no matter how stupid or childish the reason, it still is war. For once the nations of Honduras and El Salvador declared war on each other after El Salvador won a FIFA World Cup qualifying round against Honduras. In an cient times, a woman whose beauty caught the eye of a Trojan prince began a war which was is part of ancient lore, the Trojan War, where the magnificent beauty of Helen of Troy sent a thousand ships, Greek ships to be exact.If wars are sparked by the beauty of a woman and a defeat in a soccer match, what more blind reasons could we humans fight wars with? We have fought millions of wars between ourselves and no war has ended all wars. We fight it for millions of reasons and can only be justifiable by ourselves. The million times we fought have really brought the worst of humanity. In every war there is no rule book, no proper rules of engagement, no rules that could contain the bloodiness of war. For these reason war is an uncontrollable fire that engulfs anything in its path with no slight twitch of remorse.We have killed billions of our kind, men, women and children were shown no mercy as they were shot, stabbed, burned, gas chambered and left to bleed or rot in a street somewhere . Or even buried en mass in the middle of nowhere. Innocent children who had their entire lives ahead of them were just shot like animals to be harvested. The realities of war are totally different from the explosive action we see on television because in war the battles are not only fought between this side and that, soldiers, generals and leaders fight a inner war between themselves, struggling to make themselves think right in the middle of the berserk that is war.Struggling to understand the horrors they have caused. Wars have never really left the confines of people’s daily lives, we still war with each other no matter how highly educated we are on how war affects persons across nations, as war chooses none. It’s a well oiled machine that knows no mercy. War drives people insane, war is a melancholy truth that even bravest of humanity could not withstand. It has done no good, to the victor it might have given him glory the spoils of war, to the vanquished it must have brought about shame and horrifying defeat, but no side has truly won, for both sides have lost so many in such bloody battles.They have sent fathers and husbands to their deaths. But war is sometimes the only option, the only option left to take even if we all know it’s horrible effects on our daily lives. Therefore I, a lowly student who is just a spectator of wars, that no matter how much we have evolved our weapons from rocks to nukes, no matter how much we have developed weapons of mass destruction that our ancestors thought unfeasible, I could simple say, WAR, war never changes.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

How Teachers Can Make Effective Discipline Decisions

How Teachers Can Make Effective Discipline Decisions A major component of being an effective teacher is making correct classroom discipline decisions. Teachers who cannot manage student discipline in their classroom are limited in their overall effectiveness in almost every other area of teaching. Classroom discipline in that sense may be the most critical component of being an outstanding teacher. Effective Classroom Discipline Strategies Effective classroom discipline starts during the first minute of the first day of school. Many students come in looking to see what they can get away with. It is necessary to establish your expectations, procedures, and consequences for dealing with any violation immediately. Within the first few days, these expectations and procedures should be the focal point of discussion. They should be practiced as often as possible. It is also important to understand that kids will still be kids. At some point, they will test you and push the envelope to see how you are going to handle it. It is essential that each situation is handled on a case by case basis taking into account the nature of the incident, history of the student, and reflecting on how you have handled similar cases in the past. Gaining a reputation as a strict teacher is a beneficial thing, especially if you are also known as fair. It is far better to be strict than to be known as a push over because you are trying to get your students to like you. Ultimately your students will respect you more if your classroom is structured and every student is held accountable for their actions. Students will also respect you more if you handle the majority of the discipline decisions yourself rather than passing them on to the principal. Most issues that occur in the classroom are minor in nature and can and should be dealt with by the teacher. However, there are many teachers that send every student straight to the office. This will ultimately undermine their authority and students will see them as weak creating more issues. There are definite cases that merit an office referral, but most can be dealt with by the teacher. The following is a sample blueprint of how five common issues could be handled. It is only intended to serve as a guide and to provoke thought and discussion. Each of the following problems is typical to what any teacher may see occur in their classroom. The scenarios given are pos- investigation, giving you what was proved to have actually happened. Disciplinary Issues and Recommendations Excessive Talking Introduction: Excessive talking can become a serious issue in any classroom if it is not handled immediately. It is contagious by nature. Two students engaging in a conversation during class can quickly turn into a loud and disruptive whole classroom affair. There are times that talking is needed and acceptable, but students must be taught the difference between classroom discussion and engaging in conversation about what they are going to be doing on the weekend. Scenario: Two 7th grade girls have been engaged in constant chatter throughout the morning. The teacher has given two warnings to quit, but it has continued. Several students are now complaining about being disrupted by their talking. One of these students has had this issue on several other occasions while the other hasn’t been in trouble for anything. Consequences: The first thing is to separate the two students. Isolate the student, who has had similar issues, from the other students by moving her next to your desk. Give both of them several days of detention. Contact both parents explaining the situation. Finally, create a plan and share it with the girls and their parents detailing how this issue will be dealt with if it continues in the future. Cheating Introduction: Cheating is something that is nearly impossible to stop especially for work that is done outside of class. However, when you do catch students cheating, you should use them to set an example that you hope will deter other students from engaging in the same practice. Students should be taught that cheating will not help them even if they get away with it. Scenario: A high school Biology I teacher is giving a test and catches two students using answers they had written on their hands. Consequences: The teacher should take their tests up immediately and give them both zeros. The teacher could also give them several days of detention or be creative by giving them an assignment such as writing a paper explaining why students shouldn’t cheat. The teacher should also contact both students’ parents explaining the situation to them. Failure to Bring Appropriate Materials Introduction: When students fail to bring materials to class such as pencils, paper, and books it becomes annoying and ultimately takes up valuable class time. Most students who continuously forget to bring their materials to class have an organization problem. Scenario: An 8th-grade boy routinely comes to math class without his book or some other required material. This typically happens 2-3 times per week. The teacher has given the student detention on multiple occasions, but it has not been effective in correcting the behavior. Consequences: This student likely has a problem with organization. The teacher should set up a parent meeting and include the student. During the meeting create a plan to help the student with organization at school. In the plan include strategies such as daily locker checks and assigning a responsible student to assist the student in getting the needed materials to each class. Give the student and parent suggestions and strategies to work on organization at home. Refusal to Complete Work Introduction: This is an issue that can swell from something minor to something major very quickly. This isn’t a problem that should ever be ignored. Concepts are taught sequentially, so even missing one assignment, could lead to gaps down the road. Scenario: A 3rd-grade student hasn’t completed two reading assignments in a row. When asked why, he says that he didn’t have time to do them even though most other students finished the assignments during class. Consequences: No student should be allowed to take a zero. It is essential that the student be required to complete the assignment even if only partial credit is given. This will keep the student from missing a key concept. The student could be required to stay after school for extra tutoring to make up the assignments. The parent should be contacted, and a specific plan should be designed to discourage this issue from becoming a habit. Conflict Between Students Introduction: There will likely always be petty conflicts between students for various reasons. It doesn’t take long for a pretty conflict to turn into an all out fight. That is why it is necessary to get to the root of the conflict and put a stop to it immediately. Scenario: Two 5th grade boys come back from lunch upset at each other. The conflict hasn’t become physical, but the two have exchanged words without cursing. After some investigation, the teacher determines that the boys are arguing because they both have a crush on the same girl. Consequences: The teacher should start by reiterating the fighting policy to both boys. Asking the principal to take a few minutes to speak with both boys about the situation can also help deter further issues. Typically a situation like this will diffuse itself if both parties are reminded of the consequences if it progresses any further.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Introduction to Business Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

Introduction to Business Law - Essay Example Mischief Rule of statutory interpretation gives authority to the judge to interpret the law by bearing in mind the common law before passing of the rule. Is is applied in cases where ambiguity occurs in the law. Thus this rule aims to understand the defect and also to provide solutions which would correct the situation if implemented. A popular case that came under the Mischief rule was Smith vs. Hughes. In this case, prostitutes were charged for recruiting clients from a public place while within the confines of a private area, which were the windows that overlooked the street. Under the Street Offenses Act of 1959, it is illegal to attract clients with the intention of offering sex services on the streets. The defendants pleaded that they had not attracted clients on the streets but were within their own homes. The literal Rule as the name suggests allows the judge to give out a ruling by taking into account the literal meaning of the word since they do not affect the ruling on the case. The judge, in this case, does not have to consider the meaning or the implications behind words or sentences such as in the case of the previous laws. This is usually the most preferred rule of statutory interpretation. An example of this is the R Vs Harris case under which the defendant harmed the victim by biting his nose. Since the law considers stabbing, cutting or wounding a person through an instrument as a crime, therefore the defendant was acquitted since he did not commit the crime in the literal sense (Caven, 2004).

Friday, October 18, 2019

Working capital trade-offs of. Porsche AG, Daimler AG, and BMW Coursework

Working capital trade-offs of. Porsche AG, Daimler AG, and BMW - Coursework Example This section would be discussing the working capital trade-offs of three luxury car manufacturing companies Porsche AG, Daimler AG, and BMW. Porsche AG is a German luxury car company which was established in the year 1931. The company generated â‚ ¬10,928 million in the year 2011 as revenue. The working capital of the company was estimated to be around â‚ ¬65.8 billion in 2011, which was derived from the receivable from the customers, increasing leasing and renting charges of assets, etc (Volkswagen AG, 2011). Porsche AG met its working capital requirement through credit from banks when they were in Volkswagen Group (Porsche Automobil Holding SE, 2013). However, now the net liquidity position has improved with a 15 percent rise in sales and about 21 percent rise in the return on equity. So it can be said that Porsche no more has to rely on bank credits for working capital, but the company in 2011 negotiated with banking syndicate for extending a credit of â‚ ¬2.5 billion. This reveals that Porsche AG has to trade profitability for liquidity because the working capital requirement for running operational function is more important than investing the working capital. The company was running short of cash or cash equivalents due to which they had to keep provisions for credit from banks (Porsche SE, 2011). Daimler AG another luxury car company which has many luxury car brands under its business, such as Mercedes-Benz, Maybach, Mitscubishi Fuso, and many more. The company was established in 1998 in Stuttgart, Germany. Revenue generated by Daimler AG in 2011 was â‚ ¬106.54 billion, and it was able to earn a profit of â‚ ¬5.667 billion in 2011, during the ongoing economic slowdown. The liquidity amounted to â‚ ¬11.9 billion in 2011, while the same was â‚ ¬13 billion in 2010. The decreasing liquidity is due to the extensive cash outflow for the pension plan assets, and also for the acquisition of the share of Tognum AG. Daimler AG is defensive in this regard, as it chooses to maintain liquidity and control credit risk exposure (Daimler, 2011). The company traded liquidity for profitability and for this Daimler AG also raised funds to finance the cash requirements of the company (Daimler, 2011). BMW is a German automobile company which was established in 1916. BMW stands for Ba yerische Motoren Werke AG. BMW is also the parent company of the most luxurious car called Rolls Royce and it also produces Mini marquee. The revenue earned by the company in 2011 was â‚ ¬68.82 billion and the operating income was about â‚ ¬8.006 billion. The net profit of the company increased in 2011 by â‚ ¬4,907 billion, which lead to increased cash inflow of the company by â‚ ¬1,664 billion. However, the changing working capital has decreased the cash flow from the operating functions by â‚ ¬1,212 million. This is because of increase in stock and introduction of new models of cars. So the working capital trade-off of BMW revealed that liquidity was traded for profitability. The company minimized the amount of working capital in order to invest them for launching new models of cars, after

Travelling As A Source Of Learning English Essay

Travelling As A Source Of Learning English - Essay Example English is an international medium for communication. On an international front, English plays an important role in binding contracts between governments of two countries (Riches and Curt-Christiansen). Therefore, it is deemed critical for professionals from several fields to develop English language. On the other side, in some Asian countries, English is considered as a status symbol. It is believed to be a communication medium of upper social class. Additionally, those individuals, who are not a native English speakers are believed to be excellent learners of this language because they attempt to increase their linguistics. This essay attempted to analyze the importance of traveling across various cultures in the development of advanced linguistics in youth. At the same time, I have been able to dwell on my strong skill of tongue because of my frequent international traveling experience. English is also considered as an international medium of communication. Therefore, used in fabricating various international contracts among nations. Hence, in the light of this argument, politicians should develop their English in order, to understand the embedded meanings of a legal document. On the other, as a student of English, I consider it as my duty to understand English better than anyone in the world does. However, to accomplish this goal, I am regularly reading ancient English literature in order to; understand the very roots of English. On the other hand, my teachers helped me, during my quest of learning English.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

State of the State Speech Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

State of the State Speech - Essay Example His sole reference to the end of the recession is a painfully general statement asserting job growth. This job growth reference is sandwiched between references to the "dark clouds" of the past, the "parting clouds" of the past couple of months, and the sunshine waiting just around the corner (Perdue, 2006: np). The type of job growth is not discusses, no statistics are provided, and there is no discussion regarding the causes for this sudden increase in employment. In short, the overwhelming majority of his time sounds more like a weather report than a discussion of the state of the economy. He then quickly turns from employment to the issue of government spending. There are inconsistencies as the Governor details his plans for government spending in the 2007 fiscal year. He begins on an optimistic note, stating that the Georgia has experienced a windfall of 1.25 billion dollars in revenues. There are no explanations. He does not cite increased tax receipts, increased taxes, or any other sources for this revenue. The observer is left to ponder where this money has come from in a recessionary economy. He then details his spending plans for this billion dollars. He plans to restore previously cut programs for education, health, and social welfare. This is where the inconsistency arises.

Puerto Rican Campagn Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Puerto Rican Campagn - Essay Example The Spanish appointed their own to be governors of the state when they were in control of the island. Similarly, the federal government of the United States also appointed its own candidates to govern the state when they were its colonial masters. However, after the state gained total independence from the Americans, they were free to elect their own candidate as the governor of their country (Herrman, 2010: P.159). The Spaniards were the first to take control of the small island of Puerto Rico, before the Americans defeated and toppled them from their rule at the archipelago. In fact, the current independence and state of sovereignty that the country enjoys was a grant from the United States, when they walked out on the forceful leadership of the country. However, the United States still has strong influence in the country, with most of the governors requiring marshaling enough support from the political system of the United States to be elected into office. In fact, most of the gov ernors elected into office in the state of Puerto Rico are affiliates of either the Democrats or the Republican parties that control the United States political system. These affiliations to the US political system assist them get elected into office, as well as ensure a cordial relationship between the country and its former colonial masters – a relationship that results in numerous political, trade and bilateral relations for both countries (Herrman, 2004: P.45). The Governor of the state of Puerto Rico becomes the supreme leader of the government of the Commonwealth state of Puerto Rico. The Spaniards established this position during their rule on the state in the 16th century after they managed to colonize the state through their Spanish empire. As such, the...The Governor of the state of Puerto Rico becomes the supreme leader of the government of the Commonwealth state of Puerto Rico. The Spaniards established this position during their rule on the state in the 16th cent ury after they managed to colonize the state through their Spanish empire. As such, the governor was the head of state and possessed all powers in the executive branch of the Puerto Rican government. Furthermore, he or she is also the commander-in-chief of all the military forces of the country as well as the National Guard of Puerto Rico. The government of Puerto Rico bestows on the governor powers, duties and responsibilities to perform on behalf of their citizens, chief among this is the duty to enforce laws of the state by upholding the constitution. The governor also has to convene the legislative assembly, whose main jurisdictions re to make laws and policies for the state (Torruella, 1985: P.139). The first official occupant of the governor’s seat was Juan Ponce de Leon, a Spanish conquistador, who took office in 1509 on appointment by the Spanish empire. However, the first native from Puerto Rico to perform this function, though on an interim basis, was Juan Ponce de Leon II who occupied the office in 1579. However, the leadership of Puerto Rico did not begin with the Spaniards establishment and appointment to the office of a governor. Historical facts provide that the country had tribal chiefs or caciques as the heads of government, known to the locals a Tainos, those who occupied the island before the arrival of the Spaniards.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

State of the State Speech Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

State of the State Speech - Essay Example His sole reference to the end of the recession is a painfully general statement asserting job growth. This job growth reference is sandwiched between references to the "dark clouds" of the past, the "parting clouds" of the past couple of months, and the sunshine waiting just around the corner (Perdue, 2006: np). The type of job growth is not discusses, no statistics are provided, and there is no discussion regarding the causes for this sudden increase in employment. In short, the overwhelming majority of his time sounds more like a weather report than a discussion of the state of the economy. He then quickly turns from employment to the issue of government spending. There are inconsistencies as the Governor details his plans for government spending in the 2007 fiscal year. He begins on an optimistic note, stating that the Georgia has experienced a windfall of 1.25 billion dollars in revenues. There are no explanations. He does not cite increased tax receipts, increased taxes, or any other sources for this revenue. The observer is left to ponder where this money has come from in a recessionary economy. He then details his spending plans for this billion dollars. He plans to restore previously cut programs for education, health, and social welfare. This is where the inconsistency arises.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Hepatitis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Hepatitis - Essay Example To better understand the viral infection, it would be necessary to examine both acute infections and chronic infections of the virus. Chronic Hepatitis is the less common of the two but it can stay with a person for years. Often the symptoms are quite mild and the person may attribute them to other causes since the liver is not suddenly and significantly damaged (Ryder and Beckingham, 2001). In certainly cases, the liver damage progresses to a stage where cirrhosis may occur followed by liver failure or liver cancer. The cause for Chronic Hepatitis is most often the presence of the Hepatitis C virus since more than 75% of acute Hepatitis C patients develop Chronic Hepatitis. Hepatitis B and D variants of the virus can also cause Chronic Hepatitis but Hepatitis A and E variants do not (Merck, 2003). The causes for Chronic Hepatitis are many and complex even so that some medicines such as Methyldopa, Nitrofurantoin and even Tylenol can lead to chronic hepatitis. The risks are quite strong when these medicines are taken for a prolonged period of time. Similarly, Wilson’s disease which is a hereditary disease can also cause chronic hepatitis in children (Merck, 2003). The problem of detection for Chronic Hepatitis is compounded by the difficulty in marking the symptoms of the disease. For example, the symptoms include a feeling of sickness, poor appetite and a loss of energy (Ryder and Beckingham, 2001). Additionally, a person suffering from Chronic Hepatitis may have a low grade fever and abdominal pains. S/he may also develop signs of jaundice, have an enlarged spleen, retain fluid or blood vessels in the skin that look like spiders. When a doctor suspects a case of Chronic Hepatitis, a liver biopsy may be recommended as a diagnostic test for the liver. The biopsy can reveal the underlying causes of the disease and may be needed more than

Monday, October 14, 2019

How the Octopus Close Season Affected Womens Life in Rodrigues Essay Example for Free

How the Octopus Close Season Affected Womens Life in Rodrigues Essay Rodrigues is a 108 square kilometre, volcanic originated island, located in the Indian Ocean at around 600 kilometres at the east of the mainland Mauritius. It is surrounded by coral reef forming a lagoon with a rich biodiversity, which as twice the size of the land It was formerly known as the tenth district of Mauritius, up to the 10th of December 2002, where it attained the status of autonomy, governed by the Rodrigues Regional Assembly. The economy is mainly based on traditional fishing, low-scale farming, handicraft and an emerging tourism sector. One of the most common means of traditional fishing, is the famous octopus catch, which is mainly done by the Rodriguan women, known here as the â€Å"piqueuse d’ourite†. This is done at low tide where the fisherman equipped with iron rods, pace up and down the coral barrier, in search of a hole where nests the mollusc. The new government elected in February this year, expressed the wish to consolidate sustainable developments and protect local resources, for food security and protection of the environment. In this connection a regulation was adopted by the Rodrigues Regional Assembly in July 2012 for the closure of octopus catch season as from August 2012 to October 2012. This program is a joint collaboration financed by Smartfish and the Rodrigues Regional assembly. Smartfish is a regional programme financed by the European Union and is implemented by the Indian Ocean Commission in collaboration with the Common Market for Eastern and southern Africa (COMESA) , the east African community (EAC) and the Intergovernmental Authority on Development ( IGAB). The Octopus fishers were called for a half day work in the interest of the environment against remuneration in order for them to cope with the loss of earnings. The fisherwoman at the beginning of the project found a lot of difficulties to adapt with it. They used to sell their octopus on days where they go fishing and hence handling money in small quantities, spread over several days. In the program they were paid after a week of work. They found much trouble to wait for the pay and had to adapt themselves to a new form of budgeting and a new form of saving in order to meet expenses for the coming days before next payment. For example Mrs Cupidon of Baladirou, a professional fisherwoman, who use to earn around Rs 300 each time she goes fishing, uses go to the nearby shop everyday where she buys food for the day and keeps around Rs 25 rupees to pay the electricity bill at the end of the month. Now being paid after a week forced her to seek for credit and pay after one week, it has been hard for her to persuade the shop owner to grant her such service. Locating an octopus in the sea is reserved to expert eyes and intuition. Since young age many â€Å" piqueuse d’ourite† have been initiated to the skill of locating the octopus’s next, to tackle it in order to force it out of its hiding place and to kill it in such a way as to avoid being hurt by the mollusc. When, they are called to exert a new profession such as to build stone retaining walls, many of them were in trouble and could not adapt themselves. Moreover it was the first time in their lives where they were placed below the supervision of a superior, where they had to be punctual and abide to the principles expected from a public worker. Many supervisors also xpressed the obstacles they had to overcome to make them respected and to impose laid principles. At a time during the programme cycle, there was a delay for payment, which had consequent and dramatic impulses on the lives of these fisherwomen. Being not used to keep savings, many of them found themselves without food. Formerly a part of their catch was kept for own consumption, but with this program they consumed only food bought from the shop. There were also absentees at school due to the fact that many women were penny less and could not provide for basic daily needs of their children. In this project, the one who benefitted the most were the fisherwoman themselves who after the opening of the season found their catch being multiplied, where the volume and size of octopus was highly satisfactory, to the point that actually they are keen for the government to repeat the project this year. The venture of this government to implement this program is to be greatly saluted as it goes in the direction of sustainable development. However some measures have to be tuned and re-adapted to suit the peculiarity of the way of living of the fisherwomen and decisions should be taken with their full collaboration.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

The Sleeping Barber Problem Philosophy Essay

The Sleeping Barber Problem Philosophy Essay This report includes concurrent programming and deadlocks that were created and analysed throughout the report. There are two parts that include in the report; The Sleeping Barber Problem and The Dining Philosophers. The report includes every method that was used to complete both parts; this includes explaining and describing. For my references I used a couple of websites to help me understand more about the concept. Introduction In this report I have included two parts these are as follows: The Sleeping Barber Problem The 1st part of my assignment is about a barber shop. I have written a program to simulate the use of a monitor to coordinate the operation of the barber and the clients. The barber shop includes only one barber that works.  The living room is divided into a waiting room with a fixed number of chairs and a table with comics, and a workroom where the barber cuts hair of a customer.  Incidentally this work room serves as bedroom when it was not customer as our barber has the nasty habit of partying all night, so it catches up on sleep lost when the room is quiet.   When a customer arrives, it opens the door to the salon.  If no space is available, it remains outside. Otherwise it will sit in an empty chair.  At the opening of the door chime sounds to awaken our Venetian barber if he had bitten a nap.  When the barber releases a client, it does not have the right to sleep if there is room in the world.   When the barber finished cutting a customer, it pays 10 francs. Then he leaves the room.  The barber takes the next customer, if he goes to bed   and so on. The Dining Philosophers The 2nd part of the report is about one of Dijkstras more delightful contributions is his problem of the Dining Philosophers. It illustrates many of the subtle problems inherent in concurrent programming. The Sleeping Barber Problem Approach to the program and Analysis The barber shop has many different types of solutions as many different types of program languages can be used to solve the problem. I had many different types of thought, but then came to a stage and chose to use Java coding as I have more experience in this program. The threads Our program will be divided into two types of threads.  On one side there will be the barber, represented by a single thread looping constantly to see if a customer expects, take care of him if necessary or when going to bed.  On the other side there will be a thread per client, which simulate the physical customer.  He will try to return to the store, will sit if he can, will shave and disappear.   While our program will have one barber, there may be as many customers as men on the planet (or at least memory space).  Threads so customers will stack until the space become available in the waiting room, and then the barber takes care of them. I will now show what each the barber and customers role are inside the program: What is the barber? The thread symbolizing the barber will be unique.  It will START s launch, customer foremost and will loop on itself for eternity.   Heres what our barber is to spend his life on: Is there anyone in the waiting room?  If so I take care of his case, if I not go to bed and have a nap When a client I do is enter the slaughterhouse; I cut hair I get my money then he leaves Obviously, when you get to the end we re-loop. This re-loop is done as many different actions are taken therefore its needed in Java programming. What is the customer? Here are the actions that realize the thread symbolizing each client.  If there are multiple clients, identical threads will compete: I look in the salon to see if theres room to spare.  Whether I go or I expect; When Im inside I sit on a chair I expect that the barber is free; I get up from my chair (and thus frees up) and I enter the room; I let his beard trimmed; When he finished, I pay and I get home. Read comics if seat available at waiting room Looking at the size difference between the action list of the barber and the customer, we note that the customer is more things.  In fact, the customer must manage additional resources from the barber the free space in the waiting room when present at the exhibition entrance. Resources Writing and explaining how the program will be running plays a big role in having a successful program. I have to know what type of resources and the needs of the program I need to make it work perfectly. The needs: Firstly it is clear that we will have a semaphore on the number of seats available in the waiting room.  It will limit the number client can find the room simultaneously.  When a client is present supernumerary the thread will wait for the release of the resource (the chair).   Now we must manage the sleep of the barber.  We need a semaphore blocking the barber when there is no client.  It must be incremented to the arrival of each client and initialized to zero.   Must thread the barber and the customer have a time in common when haircuts takes place.  There are a myriad of  bitouilles  possible, but the simplest is to have two semaphores: one for the clients arrival, the second for his departure.   Heres how the four semaphores will be used in our  virtual barber: places Number of seats available in the waiting room of the exhibition upon arrival of a client, it performs a  wait  on the semaphore.  If the number is zero free space on his arrival, he will wait for a client releases a chair.  The client makes a  post  when he managed to enter the room of the barber (so it rises from the chair). salle_vide The semaphore  salle_vide  corresponds to a value equal to the number of customers in the waiting room.  it is 0 when the latter does not have any customer.  The barber performs a  wait  on the semaphore and crashes (goes to sleep) when the room is empty. room This semaphore is initialized to 0.  Any customer arriving in the waiting room waits for the release of this resource.  He was released by the barber when it is ready to receive a clients piece of work. Out The purpose of this semaphore is very similar to the previous one.  The client performs a  wait  is over and the barber freeing this resource by a  post  when he finished shaving the customer.  While the semaphore before the start synchronization shaving, it synchronizes the end. I will now present a summary of the evolution of each of these semaphores during the passage of a client in the salon.  I guess the room is empty before it happened and that no other client comes while he is there.  I do not dà ©crierai lock operation, it is quite explicit.   places salle_vide room out action initial state 8 0 0 0 exec (hand) barber lying 8 (0) 0 0 b:  wait (salle_vide) arrival of a customer (8) (0) 0 0 c:  wait (squares) the client asseoie 7 + (0) 0 0 c:  post (salle_vide) the client waits 7 0 (0) 0 c:  wait (piece) Client Home 7 0 + (0) 0 b:  post (piece) between the customer 7 0 0 0 c:  post (places) shaving client 8 0 0 (0) c:  wait (outside) the barber shaves 8 0 0 (0) b:  sleep () it releases its customer 8 0 0 + (0) b:  post (outside) Semaphores framed by a pair of parentheses mean that  wait  has been done on this resource and a thread is blocked, waiting for the release of this resource.  + Means that the  post  has been taken. Program Organisatized Our program virtual the barber  has three global variables: Four semaphores The lock to the body The value of the fund It also has two functions:  proc_barbier  and  proc_client  respectively procedures barber and client.  The main program (main) deals first initialize the semaphore and lock.  Then it creates the thread corresponding to the barber.  It goes straight to bed since no customer has yet been created.  Simulating client threads are created one by one dynamically when the user presses the I entry.  If he lets his finger pressed the button a few seconds can quickly create a large number of clients.  The results of the application are sent to standard output (stdout). Instructions for use:  On a fast station this small program can quickly make mistakes.  Under the Linux operating system the machine uses the kernel call  clone ()  to create a new thread, which has the effect of creating a new process.  In my tests I found (after falling asleep myself on the  entry   key) with more than 200 client process waiting for my poor barber. There are two main methods used inside the program this includes the following; Barber; while(1) { P(Customers) //wait for C and sleep P(accessSeats) //mutexprotect the number of available seats NumberOfFreeSeats++ //one chair gets free V(Barber) //Bring in a C for haircut V(accessSeats) //release the mutexon the chairs à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦. //here the B is cutting hair This green highlighted writing is showing the comments of the codes.} //while(1) Customers while(1) { P(accessSeats) //mutexprotect the number of available seats if ( NumberOfFreeSeats> 0 ) { //if any free seats NumberOfFreeSeats //sitting down on a chair V(Customers) //notify the B V(accessSeats) //release the lock P(Barber) //wait if the B is busy à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦. //here the C is having his hair cut } else { //there are no free seats V(accessSeats)//release the lock on the seats //C leaves without a haircut } }//while(1) The Dining Philosophers The example below shows a solution where the forks are not explicitly represented. Philosophers can eat if you eat any of its neighbors. This is comparable to a system where the philosophers who cannot get the second fork must leave the first fork before they try again. In the absence of locks associated with the forks, philosophers must ensure that the decision to start eating is not based on stale information on the state of the neighbors. Eg if philosopher B sees that A does not eat, then turns and looks C, A could begin eating while B looks at C. This solution avoids this problem by using a single mutex lock. This lock has nothing to do with the holders, but with the decision procedures that can change the states of the philosophers. This is ensured by the monitor. The test procedures, collection and observation are local offensive to monitor and share a mutex lock. Note that philosophers who want to eat do not hold a fork. When the monitor allows a philosopher who wants to continue eating, the philosopher acquires again the first fork before picking up the second fork now available. When done eating, the philosopher will signal to the monitor that both forks are available now. Note that this example does not address the problem of hunger. For example, the philosopher B can wait forever if meal periods of philosophers A and C always overlap. To also ensure that no philosopher is hungry, you could keep track of the number of times that a philosopher cannot eat when hungry neighbors leave their holders. If this number exceeds some threshold, the state of the philosopher could change to Hunger, and the decision procedure for collecting holders could be increased to require that none of the neighbors go hungry. This further reduces dependence coincidence. The lifting of the threshold for the transition to the Hungry reduces this effect. In 1984, K. Mani Chandy and J. Misra proposed a different solution to the problem of dining philosophers have considered arbitrary reagents (numbered P , P) compete for an arbitrary number of resources, unlike Dijkstra solution. Also fully distributed and does not require any central authority after initialization. However, violates the requirement that the philosophers do not speak to each other (due to the prompts). For each pair of philosophers who compete for a resource, create a fork and give it to the philosopher with the lower ID. Each holder may be either dirty or clean. Initially, all forks are dirty. When a philosopher wants to use a set of resources (ie eating), must obtain the holders of its neighbors that fall. When a philosopher with a fork receives a request message, keeps the fork if it is clean, but leaves when it is dirty. If you send the fork, the fork cleans before doing so. After a philosopher is done eating, all his forks become dirty. If another philosopher had previously requested one of the forks, clean the fork and sends it. This solution also has a large level of coincidence and has solved a problem arbitrarily large. It also solves the problem of hunger. The clean / dirty labels serve as a way to give preference to process more hungry and a disadvantage to processes that just eat. One might compare its solution one where the philosophers are not allowed to eat twice in a row while others use forks between. Their solution is more flexible than this, but has an element that tends in that direction. In their analysis take a tiered distribution preferred holders and their states clean / dirty. They show that this system can describe an acyclic graph, and if so, the operations in their protocol cannot convert that one cyclic graph. This ensures that the deadlock cannot occur. However, if the system is initialized to an absolutely symmetrical, like all philosophers holding their forks on the left, then the graph is cyclic in the beginning, and its solution cannot prevent a deadlock. Initializing the system so that the IDs below philosophers holders have dirty ensures that the top graph is acyclic. Implementations of a typical philosopher I will now be commenting on some of the implementations of a typical philosopher: Figure 2.2 1 typicalPhilosopher() //Name 2 { 3 while ( true ) // while loop used 4 { 5 think(); //typical philosopher is thinking 6 7 pickUpLeftFork(); //typical philosopher picks up the left fork 8 pickUpRightFork(); //typical philosopher pick up the right fork 9 10 eat(); //typical philosopher is now eating 11 12 putDownLeftFork(); //typical philosopher puts down the left fork 13 putDownRightFork();//typical philosopher puts down the right fork 14 } // end while 15 16 } // end typicalPhilosopher Figure 2.3 1 typicalPhilosopher()//Name 2 { 3 while ( true ) // while loop used 4 { 5 think();//typical philosopher is thinking 6 7 pickUpBothForksAtOnce(); //typical philosopher picks up both folks 8 9 eat();//typical philosopher is now eating 10 11 putDownBothForksAtOnce();//typical philosopher puts both folks down 12 } // end while 13 14 } // end typicalPhilosopher Figure 2.4 1 typicalPhilosopher()//Name 2 { 3 while ( true ) // while loop used 4 { 5 think();//typical philosopher is thinking 6 7 while ( notHoldingBothForks ) //while loop used so that typical philosopher cant pick up both folks at once 8 { 9 pickUpLeftFork();//typical philosopher pick up the left fork 10 11 if ( rightForkNotAvailable ) //he picks up the left for in the previous if he hasnt got the right fork available 12 { 13 putDownLeftFork();//typical philosopher puts the left fork down 14 } // end if 15 else //if else statement used to make it work properly 16 { 17 pickUpRightFork();//typical philosopher picks up the right for 18 } // end while 19 } // end else 20 21 eat(); 22 23 putDownLeftFork();//typical philosopher puts the left fork down 24 putDownRightFork();//typical philosopher puts the right fork down 25 } // end while 26 27 } // end typicalPhilosopher Figure 2.5 1 typicalPhilosopher() 2 { 3 while ( true ) 4 { 5 think();//typical philosopher is thinking 6 7 if ( philosopherID mod 2 == 0 )//if the remainder is not 0 it performs action if 0 then performs the action 8 { 9 pickUpLeftFork();//typical philosopher picks up the left fork down 10 pickUpRightFork();//typical philosopher picks up the right fork down 11 12 eat(); 13 14 putDownLeftFork();//typical philosopher puts the left fork down 15 putDownRightFork();//typical philosopher puts the right fork down 16 } // end if 17 else 18 { 19 pickUpRightFork();//typical philosopher picks up the right fork 20 pickUpLeftFork();//typical philosopher picks up the left fork 21 22 eat();//typical philosopher is eating 23 24 putDownRightFork();//typical philosopher puts the left fork down 25 putDownLeftFork();//typical philosopher puts the right fork down 26 } // end else 27 } // end while 28 29 } // end typicalPhilosopher As you can see from the above figure of the typical philosopher different types of condition and statements were used. These statements and conditions allow the program to implement different types of actions. Conclusion Recommendation

Saturday, October 12, 2019

themeaw Themes and Fate in The Awakening and Madame Bovary Essay

Themes and Fate in The Awakening and Madame Bovary      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Kate Chopin's The Awakening and Gustave Flaubert's Madame Bovary are both tales of women indignant with their domestic situations; the distinct differences between the two books can be found in the authors' unique tones.   Both authors weave similar themes into their writings such as, the escape from the monotony of domestic life, dissatisfaction with marital expectations and suicide.   References to "fate" abound throughout both works.   In The Awakening, Chopin uses fate to represent the expectations of Edna Pontellier's aristocratic society.   Flaubert uses "fate" to portray his characters' compulsive methods of dealing with their guilt and rejecting of personal accountability.  Ã‚   Both authors, however seem to believe that it is fate that oppresses these women; their creators view them subjectively, as if they were products of their respective environments.      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Chopin portrays Edna as an object, and she receives only the same respect as a possession. Edna's husband sees her as and looks, " his wife as one looks at a valuable piece of personal property which has suffered some damage."   (P 2 : The Awakening) Chopin foils their marriage in that of the Ratignolles who, "...understood each other perfectly." She makes the classic mistake of comparing one's insides with others' outsides when she thinks, "If ever the fusion of two human begins into one has been accomplished on this sphere it was surely in their union."   (P 56 : The Awakening) This sets the stage for her unhappiness, providing a point of contrast for her despondent marriage to Mr. Pontellier.   She blames their marriage for their unhappiness declaring that, "...a wedding is one of the ... ...ate UP, 1969. 881-1000. Delbanco, Andrew. "The Half-Life of Edna Pontellier." New Essays on The Awakening. Ed. Wendy Martin. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1988. 89-106. Gilmore, Michael T. "Revolt Against Nature: The Problematic Modernism of The Awakening." Martin 59-84. Giorcelli, Cristina. "Edna's Wisdom: A Transitional and Numinous Merging." Martin 109-39. Martin, Wendy, ed. New Essays on the Awakening. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1988. Papke, Mary E. Verging on the Abyss: The Social Fiction of Kate Chopin and Edith Wharton. Westport, CT: Greenwood, 1990. Seyersted, Per. Kate Chopin: A Critical Biography. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State UP, 1969. Showalter, Elaine. "Tradition and the Female Talent: The Awakening as a Solitary Book." Martin 33-55. Skaggs, Peggy. Kate Chopin. Boston: Twayne, 1985.               

Friday, October 11, 2019

Employers Essay

What should Paul do to determine how Plastec compares with other area employers in terms of wages and benefits? When determining how Plastec compares with other area employers in terms of wages and benefits, Paul should first find out what his organization’s philosophies, strategies, and approaches are to the compensation system followed by an in depth analysis of where his organization is positioned in the labor market. Our text mentions three compensation quartile strategies in which employers can position themselves, first there is the minimum or the first quartile which is below market strategy. In the first quartile, you will find employers who are experiencing a shortage of funds and just cannot afford to pay their employers more money. Generally, great deals of illegal immigrants are hired in organizations positioned at this level because of their desire to work in the United States. In the first quartile, employer positions pay scales so that 75% of other firms pay above and 25% pay below. The median or the second quartile is considered the safe zone for employers. Most employers choose to position themselves here because it balances the employer cost pressures and the need to attract and retain existing employers. Lastly, the maximum or third quartile leads the market. In the third quartile, employers are able to attract and retain sufficient workers who are fully qualified. Employers at this level are able to be more selective as to who they hire as well. Paul should find out which quartile his organization currently falls in and decide if that is where they should remain for the better good of the organization and the employees (Mathis & Jackson 2008).

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Interview Profile Final Beh/225

Final Project 1 Interview Profile Trevor Edwards BEH/225 Hillary Locke Final Project 2 In life everyone has different think and behaviors usually do to how a person is raised during childhood, what they have seen during childhood, or it is inherited through genes that are passed on to them. The person that I have chosen for my interview profile is a female, which is the opposite sex from me because I am a male. I made the decision of choosing a female for my interview because men and women think a little differently in some situations, which I thought, might shed a little light on the difference between the two genders and their thinking. My interviewee and myself age difference is five years apart being that she is twenty five and I am thirty years old. Both the interviewee and I have full time jobs while also going to school to open doors of opportunities that can make our lives better in the future. During the learning process my interviewee can remember information better by reading about behavior better than seeing it, because she can read whatever that she does not understand again to refresh the material to help get a better understanding of the material. She explained to me that when she reads the material she tends to remember the material better because the material seems to set into her brain better than if she see the behavior. She also states that if she sees the behavior there are distractions that can redirect her attention from learning the material, but if she is reading it her attention is set on the material and not other things that might be happening around her that could get her side tracked from what she is learning. I on the other hand like to see the behavior better than I do reading about the behavior because when I see things I tend to understand them better. I think it is because once I see it I know how it operates by seeing it through actions not words. Although words explain Final Project 3 the behavior I found it easier to understand the behavior through seeing the actions because it explains it literally and words can get misinterpreted from time to time. My interviewee likes to study at home instead of going to the library during the learning process. She states that although the library is a nice and quiet place to study which is just the way she likes it to be when she is studying, she might have to either wait to for a computer to open up or she might be using the computer and someone else might have a reservation to use the computer which will boot her off even if she is not done using the computer. She also told me that not everyone in the library abides by and respect library etiquette. She stated that libraries are often flooded with children and teenagers usually after school lets out for the day to get on the computer to do school work, play games, or just hang out because others are there to interact with. As for myself I like to study at home and I do not mind having the television or radio on at a low level in the background because to me it really does not cause a distraction to me. Some people might find things like these to be distractions that would not allow them to think or stay on track during the learning process. I also have to study when there are children or babies crying in the background which does not bother me, but little babies that cry for long periods of time can annoy me and can distract me from studying the material that I need to learn. I also like studying at home because I can stop and take a break to take care of something else I need to get done or just stop for a break to relax for a moment, and then get back to studying with no problem at all. Mainly I think that it comes down to how well a person can block out background noises and if that person Final Project 4 cannot block distractions well then they will not be able to study with things that are in the background and would want it quiet. I asked my interviewee if she has ever taken the Myers Briggs test and her answer was no which a different answer to mine was because I have taken the test before. I asked her if she would be willing to take this test and her response was yes. After taken the test my interviewee thought that the test was accurate from the results of her test because it defined her as a seller which was the same results as mine after I took the test. Both my interviewee and I seem to agree with the results because we both feel that we are sellers or have a seller mentality. I also asked my interviewee if she would recommend any of her friends to take this test to see if they agree with the results and she replied yes because she would want to see how accurate the test really was or if it just told everyone the same thing. I also reminded her that she could take the test more than one time to check the results that a way, but keep in mind that the test is also based on honest answers. I asked my interviewee if she thought that she was self monitoring herself when it came to her attitude and she replied yes because she wants to make the right impression to other people so she tries to recognize what attitude to have in certain situations which I agree with because I think that I am also self monitoring toward my attitude. I am the same way especially when it comes to knowing when to be serious and when to be playful. Most people do care how other people view them and what they think of you as a person. I also asked my interviewee what she thought had the most Final Project 5 influence toward her attitude and she told me that for the most part her family and friends had the most influence toward her attitude. She also stated that sometimes other people’s attitude toward her affected her attitude toward them meaning if they had a poor attitude with her she would more than likely have a poor attitude toward them. As for me I think that my mood and the people around me has the most influence on my attitude because if someone I am around has a negative or positive attitude then their attitude affects my attitude and I will more than likely have the same attitude as them in the long run, but for the most part if someone has a negative attitude I try to keep my attitude positive. When it comes to race, gender, and ethnicity my interviewee and I think that they play a role when it comes to developing a person’s personality and attitude. We both agree that people of different race, gender, and ethnicity think and behave differently in the same situation because of how they were raised or how they are treated in certain situations. There are some things that another race or gender might find funny in a situation, but someone of a different race or gender may not find funny in that same situation. When it comes to people performing tasks my interviewee and I agree that in most cases we are motivated by both intrinsically and extrinsically, but for the most part we both feel that the intrinsically motivation is what drives us both the most. Everyone likes to be rewarded for doing a good job or completing a task before the dead line. The main thing is that the greatest reward is when you complete a task and feeling proud of your accomplishment all because of your hard work and not because of a reward or to avoid a punishment. So intrinsic motivation is the best form of motivation in both my Final Project 6 interviewee’s eyes and mine as well, but extrinsic motivation is just a bonus most of the time because what is a person going to do when they have to perform a task without any extrinsic motivation? Final Project 7 Reference: Brophy, Jere (1997). Motivating students to learn. Guilford. CT: McGraw-Hill. (ISBN:0070081980). Dennis Coon's Psychology: Exploration and Application, West, 1989, pages 463-464. Morris, C. G. , ; Maisto, A. A. (2002). Psychology: An introduction (12th ed. ). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.

E-waste management practices Essay

Electronic technology is a cornerstone of modern society. It plays an important role in our daily lives. Increasingly throughout the world, electronic technology has become a staple in daily living. From communication, harnessing resources, to obtaining and sharing knowledge, electronic equipment plays a crucial role in the basic function of society. However, as electronic equipment grows in number due to the advancement of technology, so does electronic wastes. E-Waste refers to electronic products nearing the end of their useful life which includes computers, printers, scanners, or any electronic products. Today, the world has been embracing the age of technological changes. Such changes are adopted by various business establishments particularly Internet Cafes; leading them in replacing obsolete electronic equipments to newer ones, creating large tons of e-wastes, which in turn demands the challenge of having a proper e-waste management. For instance, sixty percent (60%) of people interviewed in Congo, particularly internet cafà © staff and owners, said that they did not know that ewaste has negative effects on health and the environment. Due to the lack of policy on management of this category of waste, people tend to mix ewaste with regular garbage and throw it in public bins. The waste is mixed up and taken to the landfill without any pre-sorting (Niombo, 2010). Internet Cafes should have a special collection system, and a management option to handle these wastes properly for a sustainable development. Without adequate e-waste management, potential threats to health will occur and may threaten ecological balance. To combat the issue, a study is conducted pertaining to E-waste Management Practices among Internet Cafes in the City of Dumaguete. This study would determine the e-waste management practiced by internet cafes and the information will be utilize in extracting valuable lessons from the study in order to improve the effectiveness of the practiced e-waste management methods on Internet cafes. From the outcome of this study, a better way of management would be developed, a systematic management would be made and would be adopted in which it would lessen their burden by providing guidelines that includes recycling process, the application of 3R’s, Reduce, Reuse & Recycle which are stipulated & highly stressed in this research. It will also be used as the basis in creating an E-Waste Tracking System that will be implemented on respective Internet Cafes in the City of Dumaguete. Review of Related Literature, Studies or Systems Review of Related Literature This section contains background information and concepts that explains the existence of the problem and the possible connection between certain factors involved in the study. This would help the researchers identify and define issues that justify the need of studying the problem. This includes the definition of e-waste and its related issues that explain the existence of a proper e-wastes management. This also includes the e-waste management by different countries. But before going though e-waste management, there should be understanding pertaining to e-wastes. Electronic waste, or e-waste, is a term for electronic products that have become unwanted, non-working or obsolete, and have essentially reached the end of their useful life. Because technology advances at such a high rate, many electronic devices become â€Å"trash† after a few short years of use. In fact, whole categories of old electronic items contribute to e-waste such as VCRs being replaced by DVD players, and DVD players being replaced by blu-ray players. E-waste is created from anything electronic: computers, TVs, monitors, cell phones, PDAs, VCRs, CD players, fax machines, printers, etc. Additionally, e-waste is any refuse created by discarded electronic devices and components as well as substances involved in their manufacture or use (Rouse, 2007). According to Johri (2008), E-waste is one of the fastest growing waste streams in the world. Some of the notable items under this category include personal computers, mobile phones. The technical innovations and rapid change in the models of these entities have generated huge quantum of wastes. With increasing level of penetration, supplemented by high rate of these equipments, the generation of electronic wastes is expected to rise. Kishore (2010) affirmed that the quantity of â€Å"e-waste† or electronic waste has now become a major problem. Disposal of e-waste is an emerging global environmental and public health issue, as this waste has become the most rapidly growing segment of the formal municipal waste stream in the world. Sales of electronic products, most notable information technology and telecom (IT) equipment have steadily increased over the past twenty years (Brown-West, 2010). Salleh (2013) revealed that the director of the Croucher Institute for Environmental Sciences, Professor Wong said that â€Å"he would call e-wastes as a global time bomb, referring to the growing pile of waste produced by old mobile phones, computers and other electronic devices. As much as 50 million tons of hazardous e-waste is being produced a year and only a small fraction of this is safely disposed. In a personal computer, for example, there may be lead in the cathode ray tube (CRT) and soldering compound, mercury in switches and housing, and cobalt in steel components, among other equally toxic substances (Rouse, 2007). In many instances, the only visible part of an electronic product is its outer shell. Unless that casing is broken, we rarely see the myriad circuit boards, wiring and electrical connections that make the device actually function. But it’s those inner mechanical organs that are so valuable and so toxic. A whole bouquet of heavy metals, semimetals and other chemical compounds lurk inside your seemingly innocent laptop or TV. E-waste dangers stem from ingredients such as lead, mercury, arsenic, cadmium, copper, beryllium, barium, chromium, nickel, zinc, silver and gold. Many of these elements are used in circuit boards and comprise electrical parts such as computer chips, monitors and wiring. Also, many electrical products include various flame-retardant chemicals that might pose potential health risks. Arsenic may disrupt cell communication and interfere with the triggers that cause cells to grow, possibly contributing to cardiovascular disease, cancer and diabetes if someone is exposed in chronic, low doses. (Toothman, 2001). With these issues pertaining to e-wastes, particularly on health, there is a pressing need to address ewaste management. The unsafe and environmentally risky practices adopted poses great risks to health and environment (Shiga, 2007). E-Waste management provides guidelines for selecting the most environmentally desired methods for managing a waste stream. E-waste collection programs need guidelines to assure that products are managed in a way that protects public health and the environment and conserves valuable resources. The best option for dealing with E wastes is to reduce the volume. Designers should ensure that the product is built for re-use, repair and/or upgradeability. Stress should be laid on use of less toxic, easily recoverable and recyclable materials which can be taken back for refurbishment, remanufacturing, disassembly and reuse. Recycling and reuse of material are the next level of potential options to reduce e-waste.(Recovery of metals, plastic, glass and other materials reduces the magnitude of e-waste. These options have a potential to conserve the energy a nd keep the environment free of toxic material that would otherwise have been released (Joseph ,2007). E-Waste issues needs special policies with strict enforcement taking into account its special nature. These policies need to address collection, processing, disposal and recycling of ewaste. These policies also need to target education and public awareness about the dangers of ewaste for a better understanding of how to dispose of it, due to a general ignorance of its problems Skills transference should also be promoted and practical proposals created to deal with old technology once it reaches its end of life. Legal measures should therefore be accompanied by capacity development programmes. Government and development partners need to develop a clear national policy for the collection and management of ewaste, encourage private investment in recycling that takes into account both environmental and human health, implement programmes to educate the public about ewaste management. Civil society needs to develop projects to raise awareness about recycling and the dangers of ewaste (Burrell, 2012). Actions to be generated are arranged into three main categories: first, a management program to help properly manage e-wastes; second, education and research to help further the knowledge of e-waste management and build upon the knowledge gained through the management program to create national policy for e-waste; and finally, a project core to provide guidance and unity of the entire e-waste project. According to a report put out by the United Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP) entitled â€Å"Solving the E-waste Problem†, the main steps in the recycling chain of proper management include Collection; Sorting/Dismantling and Pre-processing (includes sorting, dismantling, and mechanical treatment which can utilize high-tech or low-tech processes); End-Processing (includes refining and disposal).The effectiveness of the entire recycling chain depends on each step and how well the interfaces between steps are managed. (Utkucan, 2010). Prior to E-waste Management, â€Å"many of e-waste could be a new electronic item is purchased and after some time it becomes obsolete. Four options are then available to the owner of the equipment. It could be reused – possibly resold or reassigned to another user. Second, the original owner could store it. Third, it could be recycled, or fourth, the equipment could be landï ¬ lled. Recycle and landï ¬ ll are the end points† (Peralta, 2006). Several countries have their way of managing these e-wastes. According to Babington (2010), the Department of Environment (DOE) in Malaysia has placed 309 recycle bins to collect used hand pones and its accessories in various locations such as supermarkets, universities, government offices, but majority of the residence are yet to comply due to limited awareness. Subsequently, Department of Environment (DOE) have encouraged the establishment of e-waste recycling facilities by private sector and since then 141 recycling facilities have been licensed by DOE. The need for e-waste recyclers at different MRF and DOE to champion e-waste management cannot be over emphasized. In China, 88.843 million tons of recyclable waste were traded and recycled at a total value of 34.85 billion USD (Asiimwe, E.N. n.d.). In 2008, an e-Waste Association of South Africa (eWASA) was established to help establish an sustainable environmentally sound e-waste management system for the country (Waste management world, 2013). Land filling is the predominant by means of disposal of MSW now in China with approximately 90% of China’s total MSW is disposed of in sanitary and simple landfills (Dong, 2011). The city of Guiyu with its surrounding towns in the Guangdong, a region of China is the largest E-waste recycling site in the world. Recycling has been occurring since 1995. Guiyu has a population of 150,000, most of which are immigrants. Nearly 80% of families have members who have engaged in E-waste recycling operations (Robinson, 2009). Moreover, all the recycling is being carried out by the informal sector. It is estimated that 120,000 urban poor from the informal sector are involved in the recycling trade chain in Dhaka city. 15% of the total e-waste generated in Dhaka (mainly inorganic) equates to 475 tons recycled daily. Of this amount, only 20% to 35% is recycled, while the remainder is disposed of in landfills, rivers, ponds, drains, lakes and open spaces (Hossain, 2009). On the other hand, Mexico has ratified the Basel Convention. UNEP cited Mexico as a country with great potential to introduce state-of-the-art e-waste recycling technologies because of its small informal-waste sector. In 2006, in cooperation with the US State of California, one of the few state-of-the-art electronic recycling facilities in Latin America was installed in Monterrey, the first major electronic recycling operation in Mexico. Additionally, In Serbia, waste management infrastructure is seriously underdeveloped, with few regulated landfills. Large amounts of e-waste are being stored in warehouses and homes. There is also an active informal sector, consisting mainly of disadvantaged people such as the Roma. In general, collectors have low interest in e-waste due to its complexity and the lack of potential buyers; as a result, their top priorities include paper, plastic and scrap metals. However, there are highly unorganized, informal e-waste recyclers who use rudimentary techniques such as burning cables to extract copper. These practices are unregulated, with no employment contracts (Lundgren, 2012). Above All, different countries have their way of managing their e-waste; basically comprising from the informal and the formal sector. In view of the issues caused by e-wastes, a proper e-waste management is a great challenge especially to those places that are not aware of the hazards of those wastes. There must be an implementation plan and regulated policies reading the disposal of e-wastes. With all mentioned practices in various places, recycling is the most commonly practiced by various places. Furthermore, regulations should be designed in conjunction with the establishment of formal recycling infrastructure, or any collection system towards a better e-waste management to ensure the safety and protection from threats posed by these e-wastes. Review of Related Systems This contains related studies conducted by different researchers and development of e-waste tracking systems to keep track the generation of e-wastes. This includes concepts about E-Waste Tracking systems developed by different countries in order to track the generation of e-wastes. As instance, Switzerland, the first electronic waste recycling system was implemented in 1991, beginning with collection of old computer monitors; over the years, all other electric and electronic devices were gradually added to the system. The opportunity is to find better ways to manage our used and end-of-life electronics and avoid them ending up in landfills, and that is though e-waste management (Lanyard, 2000). Electronic Recyclers International (ERI) has launched a new tracking and transparency system that gives customers complete real-time access to the status of their organizational recycling efforts, the company says. The MyTrackTech software gives organizations that recycle their electronic waste through ERI up-to-the-minute access to their accounts and allows them to schedule shipments, review reports, and customize their recycling tracking. The MyTrackTech software is the first comprehensive customer access portal of its kind in the industry (Shegerian, 2012). Department of Heritage and Protection (DHP) are developing a tracking system that an effective waste tracking system will be able to provide EHP with all prescribed information required by schedule 2 of the Waste Regulation. The information from any one waste handler should be able to be provided to EHP in batches. The system must also be able to provide EHP with proof (equivalent to a signature on a form) that the information has been authorized by an appropriate person. Such authorization may include the use of a particular header for the data or a private key or password/code word (Department of Heritage and Protection, 2010). In the article â€Å"A Global Pinball Game: Tracking E-Waste† that there are two common fates for old electronics, recycling or reuse. To track the reuse stream, the team collaborated with World Computer Exchange, World Teach and the Peace Corps, which all send outdated computers to countries the developing world. Forty donated netbooks were equipped with tracking software and labeled with stickers announcing that they recording their whereabouts. After arriving at their destinations, the computers send out location updates and snapshots of their surroundings every 20 minutes. With this data, the team is able to create a real-time visual narrative of these computers’ second lives in classrooms in Nepal and public libraries in Kenya. â€Å"For the first time, you can actually see where your old laptop ends up and who is benefiting on a day-to-day basis from your donation (Foster, 2011). Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) collaborates with the United Nations University – Solving the E-waste Problem Initiative (StEP) to jointly address the e-waste problem in developing countries. EPA and StEP signed a cooperative agreement on this topic in November 2010. EPA and StEP are working collaboratively on developing a system for tracking global flows of e-waste, strengthening Ethiopia’s efforts to manage e-waste and engaging with China on e-waste management practices (Adrian, 2003). There are many related systems that are being developed in order to keep track of the flow of e-wastes coming from different sources. An e-waste management system should be implemented to avoid risks towards our health and environment. One way of having a proper e-waste management is the creation of an e-waste tracking system that provide users to keep track of the e-wastes disposed by Internet cafes in the City of Dumaguete. THE PROBLEM Statement of the problem This research aims to analyze issues regarding e-wastes, study the e-waste management strategies practiced by Internet Cafes and use the information in order to develop a better way of managing e-wastes in an environmentally manner. This study tries to answer the questions: 1. What is the demographic profile of Internet Cafes in terms of: a. Services offered; b. Number of Computers; c. Years of operation; d. Location; e. No. of personnel; and f. No. of Customers per day? 2. How often do Internet Cafes replace their electronic equipments? 3. What type of electronic equipments that are usually disposed by Internet Cafes? 4. Where do Internet Cafes usually dispose their electronic wastes? 5. What is the current e-waste management practiced by Internet Cafes? Hypothesis H0: Internet Cafes should have an e-waste management in terms of proper e-waste disposal; where and how should these e-wastes be disposed in an environmentally manner. Technical Background and Project Description E-Waste Management Practices among the City of Dumaguete is a research study about the mode/method of management of Internet cafes pertaining to their e-wastes. In order fully achieve the aims of the study, researchers first defined the design concept of the study which incorporates the conceptual framework on the methods undergone by researchers in the research process; from the defining the requirements towards the outcome of the study. The resulting outcome would be beneficial towards the implementation of a sustainable e-waste management. This also includes the approach used by researchers in fulfilling the said framework. Design Concept Figure1. Conceptual Framework Figure 1 illustrates the design concept of developing the study showing a conceptual framework; from the inputs, approach used and the outcome towards the development of the study on E-Waste Management Practices. With that occurrence, a study on e-waste management practices is conducted to aid businesses in the City of Dumaguete that would give those ideas on how to manage e-wastes in an appropriate and best way to manage them. The presentation of the conceptual framework of this study shown in Figure 1 is formulated towards the fulfillment of achieving the result; an e-waste management practices among Internet cafes in the City of Dumaguete. The Input variables includes demographic profile of the business in terms of services offered, number of computers used, years of operation, the location of the internet cafà ©, no. of personnel, no. of customers per day, frequency of replacing electronic equipments, type of electronic equipments usually disposed by internet cafes, location to where internet cafes usually dispose their e-wastes and the current e-waste management strategy practiced by internet cafes. The Input variables are passed through a task of performing operations called the a process. These data will be utilized on the development of the study. Information will then be evaluated through agile method. This method involves the initial planning, identifying the requirements, analysis and design, implementation, testing and evaluation. After executing the task of processing those input variables, an output is made. After the process, a result is formulated, a study on e-waste entitled â€Å"E-Waste Management among Internet Cafes in the City of Dumaguete†. Design Method Figure2. Agile Method Figure 2 illustrates a method used by researchers in the development of the study. It shows an agile method used by researchers. Agile Method is a practice-based methodology for modeling and documentation of software-based systems. This would include collection of practices – guided by principles and values – that are meant to be applied by software professionals on a day-to-day basis. It is intended to be a collection of values, principles, and practices for modeling software that can be applied on a software development project in a more flexible manner than traditional modeling methods. These are the methods that will be used throughout the research study for obtaining the e-waste management practices among Internet cafes in the City of Dumaguete. It starts with the initial planning. The researchers do the initial planning. In the planning phase, researchers identifies the requirements of the planned research study, thus, researchers come up with an idea of having an E-Waste Management study of E-wastes among Internet Cafes in Dumaguete City. The next method is the analysis and design. Here, researchers analyze the existence of problems pertaining to E-waste. With the results of the analysis, researchers would be creating a strategic plan based on the design concept of having such study. A strategic plan that would be implemented within the City of Dumaguete towards Internet Cafes. Next method is the implementation of the strategic plan. From the results of a survey, researchers determine the best practices on how to manage e-wastes in an environmentally manner. Thus, minimizing the threats of these e-wastes. Lastly, researchers evaluates such study whether this research is effective enough in getting rid of the hazardous effects of e-wastes and the burden of having large tons of e-wastes on some Internet Cafes, which would enable researchers to achieve their aim of this study entitled â€Å"E-waste Management practices among Internet Cafes in the City of Dumaguete.† SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY This study will be beneficial because its implementation can be an opportunity in creating economically and environmentally sustainable businesses among the licensed Internet Cafes in the City of Dumaguete. To the City of Dumaguete: This study will help to promote healthy and safety environment by giving Dumaguetenians self-awareness of how important it is to dispose their electronic-wastes properly. Thus, by doing this, it contributes to energy efficiency, conservation of resources and economic growth. To the Internet Cafà © Business Owners: This study will be helpful in optimizing eco-efficiency of managing the proper disposal of their electronic wastes while maintaining the productivity of its businesses. This is very important in the sense that it provides ideas on understanding about the management of end-of-life electronic wastes, which includes their proper management through proper disposal, 3R’s, correct extraction, incinerations and others. To the Information Technology Students: This study will give benefit for them in their future studies with regards to E-waste Management. It will serve as guide references for their future studies and will give further information regarding E-waste Management. To the Researchers: This study is very essential towards researchers for their fulfillment in developing an proper E-Waste Management for further implementation towards Dumaguete Internet Cafes, which would basically give them ideas about the best practices to be done towards e-wastes and use these as a basis in creating an E-Waste Tracking System in the second semester, thus, achieving the aim of their study. QUESTIONNAIRES: Respondents: Internet Cafes in the City of Dumaguete. Instruction: Please fill up the following what is being asked. Part I: Business Profile Business Name: _____________________________________________ Owner:____________________________________________________ Address: __________________________________________________ Instruction: Please check the box that corresponds to your answer. Part II: E-Waste Management Practices I. A. What are the services offered by your business establishment? Scanning Printing Gaming Research Station Photocopying Others, please specify: __________________________ B. How many computers are used by the business? 10 20 30 35 40 Others, please specify: __________________________ C. How many years have you been operating your internet cafe? 2 3 4 5 Others, please specify: __________________________ D. Where does your internet cafà © situated? Near the highway Near the school Near the church Near the city hall Far from the city within a very crowded place Others, please specify: __________________________ E. How many attendants or personnel do you have? less than 5 less than 10 15 and above Others, please specify: __________________________ F. What is the minimum number of customers that you cater everyday? less than 10 Less than 20 Less than 15 Less than 20 Less than 30 40 and above Others, please specify: __________________________ II. How frequent do you dispose your e-wastes in a year? Once Twice Thrice Others, please specify: __________________________ III. What type of electronic equipments do you usually dispose? Monitor CPU Mouse Speaker Headset Keyboard Printers Scanners Others, please specify: __________________________ IV. Where do you dispose your electronic wastes? Landfills At home Near the cafà © Burning holes Junkshops Others, please specify: __________________________ V. What is your current management strategy pertaining to your e-wastes? Sell to Junkshops Dispose to landfills Store them to storage areas Recycle them Donate to E-waste Processing Centers Others, please specify: _______________________________________ REFERENCES: Adrian, S. (2013, May 13).Cleaning Up Electronic Waste (E-Waste).Retrieved from Last Updated: May 2013. Asiimwe, E.N. (n.d).E-waste Management in East African Community. Retrieved from Babington, J.C. (2010). 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