Friday, August 28, 2020

Renaissance Madonna and Child Triptych Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Renaissance Madonna and Child Triptych - Essay Example A triptych is a three-piece independent board that was a typical altarpiece in the Baroque time frame made with some particular regular methods. They changed in size and specific shape, however most had a generally rectangular base and square or angled tops. The two side boards were quite often littler than the inside board. They were made this way so they could be effectively collapsed up and shipped with the minister when he went to lecture in the nation. As we learned in class, during this time ever, it was the congregation that protected the entirety of expressions of the human experience and writing. Thus, they were the ones who normally dispatched the workmanship and permitted the craftsmanship to be seen. In specialized components, the artistic creation is finished with gum based paint on wood boards, which was a typical method of working. Gum based paint is an egg-yolk-based paint that dries rapidly and solidifies into an intense surface that made it perfect for going by unev en carts. A considerable lot of the triptychs in plain view in exhibition halls are made with this vehicle therefore. To get the hues to work perfectly, Baroque painters would utilize a green earth shade called Terre Verde for the under-painting and red measuring behind the gold leaf of the foundation (class notes). Gold leaf was constantly utilized in pictures of a strict sort since it represented the significance and honorability and virtue of the figures. On the off chance that you look carefully, these characteristics of green under-painting, red measuring and substantial utilization of gold leaf out of sight are apparent in this triptych just as numerous other comparable works. for example, Cimabue's Madonna Enthroned and Giotto's Madonna Enthroned that we found in class. Another regular element of Baroque craftsmanship is the attention on brushwork. As per my class takes note of, the brushwork utilized during this period was careful. Each and every line was painstakingly situa ted to make a feeling that the picture just showed up on the board. This bodes well, really, considering they were working with gold leaf. Gold is intelligent and the littlest wrinkle would cause appearance toward some path. By adopting a stickler strategy to the work, the craftsman could make the hallucination of radiances or different highlights inside the gold leaf that would possibly show up when the light originated from the perfect point. This would have added to the enchantment of the picture to help the less-taught open. The general topic of Vanni's triptych is also fundamentally the same as the craftsmanship of other Baroque craftsmen working in this timespan. In this artwork just as in Cimabue's painting and Giotto's painting, the Madonna is

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Health Care Reform Recommendations Essay Example for Free

Human services Reform Recommendations Essay The subject of heath care change is a profoundly begging to be proven wrong one. A wide range of associations have differing thoughts on what is fundamental to guarantee a fruitful human services framework is created in the United Sates. In the wake of perusing proposals to propel medicinal services change from the Mayo Clinic’s (2008), The Wall Street Journal’s Health Care CEO Council (2008), comprising of CEO’s from numerous diverse clinical associations, and America’s Health Insurance Plan (AHIP)(2007), coming up next is a rundown of three suggestions considered by all to be legitimate thoughts for human services change: 1. Access: Universal Health Insurance A. A thorough medicinal services change suggestion of giving general access to moderate, ensured, quality protection plans for those not secured by business based projects. This arrangement would expect people to purchase protection, giving them decision, openness, control, and significant serenity. B. This change would expect grown-ups to buy private medical coverage for themselves and their families. Bosses could keep on taking an interest by purchasing protection for their workers or giving them payments to buy it. Nonetheless, the individual would claim the protection. C. Designating and free organization to give coordination, oversight and instruction for people picking protection alternatives. 2. Quality: Reform the Payment System A. Change the repayment framework to compensate preventive consideration and proof based consideration, and stretch out government endeavors to no longer repay unseemly, perilous or squandered consideration. Characterize and measure alluring results for most regular sicknesses. B. Installment to suppliers ought to be changed so as to improve wellbeing and limit squander. Make installment frameworks that give motivating forces to different suppliers to organize care, improve care, and bolster educated patient dynamic. Models of installment ought to be created dependent on the accomplishment of incessant consideration coordination, care coordination groups, shared dynamic and scene based installment. C. Change Medicare to a compensation for-esteem model. Redistribute Medicare installments to support doctors who perform well, rather than the present framework that rewards volume not esteem. Paying suppliers dependent on worth can help produce wanted outcomes, for example, incredible results, security, and administration at a moderate expense after some time. 3. Moderateness: A. Ineffectively organized consideration likewise drives up costs when people seeing a few social insurance specialists get the equivalent indicative tests and techniques on different occasions since one doctor didn't realize that the other previously had led them. Access to data that looks at the adequacy and cost of medications: give suppliers, patients and buyers access to a believed source where they can discover state-of-the-art and target data on which social insurance administrations are best and give the best worth. B. Give constructive individual wellbeing propensity motivations. Ways of life described by smoking, less than stellar eating routine, and absence of activity prompting stoutness are key supporters of high human services costs in the United States. Youth weight essentially builds the danger of cardiovascular sickness in adulthood (CDC, 2006) and as per an examination done by the Office of the US Surgeon General (2007), the intricacies from stoutness: cardiovascular ailment, diabetes and malignant growth are assessed to cost $92 billion (Finkelstein, 2003) in lost profitability every year though gauges propose that the wellbeing results of smoking may prompt more than $75 billion every year in clinical uses. C. Give charge credits to people, families for the acquisition of protection, and to entrepreneurs that give clinical inclusion to representatives. On January 24, 2007, while talking about human services at Families USA, a social insurance promotion gathering, at that point Senator Obama said â€Å" The opportunity has arrived for all inclusive medicinal services in America [ ] I am totally established that before the finish of the principal term of the following president, we ought to have general social insurance in this nation. (Wikipedia, n. d). Congressperson McCain be that as it may, proposed charge credits and open-showcase rivalry rather than government subsidizing control (Wikipedia, n. d. ) In correlation, President Obama and Senator McCain, had comparative plans concerning cost and quality improvement. The two gatherings proposed the appropriation of clinical misbehavior changes, permitting drug re-importation, concentrating on human services costs as an impression of value administration, anticipation and care of constant conditions, and advancement/sending of HIT. Notwithstanding similitudes in cost and quality improvement, both additionally accepted that anticipation is the way to making a more advantageous populace. Representative McCain concentrated more on singular obligation in keeping up and sound way of life while President Obama bolstered expanded financing to network based preventive mediations. By and large, a correlation of the two gatherings to begin with wellbeing change plans mirror various similitudes when all is said in done thoughts of required changes to the United Sate’s current medicinal services framework. Regardless of whether by embracing an all inclusive human services framework or executing changes to the present framework; expanding inclusion, bringing down expenses, and improving nature of care are generally gives settled upon by the two gatherings as requiring consideration. References America’s Health Insurance Plans (AHIP)(2007). Ensuring Access to Coverage for all Americans. Recovered 26 January 2009, from http://www. ahipbelieves. com/media/AHIP%20Guarantee%20Access%20Plan. pdf Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2006). National Center for Health Statistics. Recovered 26 January 2009, from http://www. cdc. gov/nchs/information/hesate/preliminarydesths05_tables. pdf. Finkelstein E. , et al. (2003). National clinical spending inferable from weight: How much and who’s paying? Wellbeing Affairs. W3: 219-226. The Mayo Clinic Health Policy Center (2008). Expanding Upon the Cornerstones: Recommendations, activity steps and systems to propel medicinal services change. Recovered 26 January 2009, from http://www. mayoclinic. organization/healthpolicycenter/suggestions. html The Wall Street Journal (2008) CEO Council: Shaping The New Agenda, Health Care. Recovered 24 January 2009, from http://websites. wsj. com/president committee/2008/11/23/human services/U. S. Top health spokesperson (2007). Overweight and Obesity: Health Consequences. Recovered 26 January 2009, from http://www. surgeongeneral. gov/themes/weight/calltoaction/fact_consequences. htm. Wikipedia (n. d. ). Social insurance Reform in the United States. Recovered 26 January 2009, from http://en. wikipedia. organization/wiki/Health_care_reform_in_the_United_States#cite_note-152

Friday, August 21, 2020

Mark and Spencer Strategy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Imprint and Spencer Strategy - Essay Example As indicated by the paper discoveries so as to get further understandings of the outer elements influencing the company’s tasks including patterns and ecological issues. The PESTLE investigation is utilized to dissect the business advertise and build up the potential outer issues influencing the business in the political, monetary, social, innovative, lawful and ecological circles.From this article it is clear the political set up in the business condition influences the consumers’ purchasing power and the guidelines administering the substance. It is subsequently significant for Marks Spencer to consider certain policy centered issues before presenting a give business procedure. The organization is situated in the UK whose world of politics is moderately steady. Notwithstanding, the expense and work frameworks in the nation have been viewed as the most alluring in the created world. The UK economy is positioned just like the fourth biggest on the planet and it is see n to be an open economy. It is additionally portrayed by very much oversaw monetary and money related strategies with full budgetary government backing and low swelling rates. The organization ought to consider any present moment and long haul issues influencing its tasks before actualizing any system. The socio-social elements influencing elements contrast across nations. Being a worldwide organization, Marks and Spencer has spread its activities over the globe. The administration needs to address this issue by taking a gander at a portion of the elements influencing the consumers’ mentalities, tastes and inclinations in neighborhood and outside markets.â ... Notwithstanding, the duty and work frameworks in the nation have been viewed as the most alluring in the created world.  Economic Factors The UK economy is positioned just like the fourth biggest on the planet and it is seen to be an open economy. It is additionally portrayed by very much oversaw monetary and money related strategies with full budgetary government backing and low swelling rates. The organization ought to consider any present moment and long haul issues influencing its activities before executing any methodology (Left, 2001). The organization is encouraged to put more in the apparel business as the youngsters are bound to spend their extra cash on attire. Social Factors The socio-social elements influencing elements vary across nations. Being a universal organization, Marks and Spencer has spread its activities over the globe (Rayner, 2008). The administration needs to address this issue by taking a gander at a portion of the variables influencing the consumers†™ mentalities, tastes and inclinations in neighborhood and remote markets. Thinking about these viewpoints guarantees that they address the issues of the association. Innovative Factors Technology is a significant factor since it gives an organization upper hand over its rivals in the worldwide market. Imprints and Spencer contenders are contended to be increasingly evolved in the utilization of innovation (Rayner, 2008). This can be seen from the way that the organization presented internet shopping and unwaveringness cards after their significant rivals. This can adversy affect the entity’s serious position and it’s a high time the organization began utilizing the most recent innovation in their deals and creation process. Legitimate Factors The lawful condition in the UK is great

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

The Insider Secrets of Pay for College Term Paper

The Insider Secrets of Pay for College Term Paper Whispered Pay for College Term Paper Secrets Colleges may also underestimate certain expenses, such as textbook outlays, in order to earn their financial aid offer seem to be more generous. If graduation prices are low or it appears the institution's graduates have a hard time repaying their loans, you might want to look elsewhere. Scholarships are a type of student financial aid that do not demand repayment, so long as you satisfy the conditions of the award and utilize it as directed. Even in the event that you defer your loans, with tuition costs being what they are, you'll likely have to take out more loans in order to return to school. Tuition is a vital need. The price of tuition alone is sufficient to break the bank. Tuition costs at U.S. universities are among the highest on the planet. In the event the federal government will subsidize student loans, he stated, then colleges have to be held accountable to put money into their students. Every university would like to draw the stereotypical college freshmen. Let's face it college may be an expensive experience. If you would like to pick the suitable college from the beginning, start looking into things like the school's accreditation status. Another sort of financial aid that lots of students overlook is work-study. To find more information, check out five compelling ways adult students may benefit from hybrid learning. Students of color, for instance, are more inclined to attend a school with a high proportion of students living beneath the poverty line. Many adult students don't have the alternative of forfeiting their full-time job to engage in a degree. Paying for universal health care in the united states, isn't a really complicated issue. By way of example, transportation costs may differ based on whether the college is close to home or halfway through the country. There are four varieties of income-based plans you can select from. College is the ideal place to launch your very first company, and here are numerous reasons why. Out-of-pocket price is a measure of precisely how much the college is truly likely to cost you. College campuses are a gold mine for big business since they can market to a huge seg ment without having to spend a good deal of money. Besides the money and business of the NCAA, paying athletes might be a way to eliminate cheating when it has to do with rules and bribing. Discuss how you'll become a productive student in the next several years, and the way you will make decent use of the amount of money you might be awarded. Being part of student life is a fantastic way to discover a problem that many of students need solved. Don't give up college, just have a leave of absence to go work on whatever you need to work on. Firstly, you might be fortunate enough to find and make an application for a job posting through your school's career center or an internet job board. From tutor to analyst, and from writer to auditor, there are many options out there for every kind of engineering student trying to find a small amount of extra money. The Benefits of Pay for College Term Paper The individuals who don't really understand the reason why they're in college. Sure, college includes a boatload of advantages. Free college isn't truly free. Deciding upon the correct college can be a complex feat for anybody. Life on campus isn't as easy as it might appear. College is the ideal time to begin a business since you don't have any significant responsibilities aside from college. The NCAA schools can decide to compete, or else they can accept becoming the amateurs. Flexible, self-paced programs may also help make higher education cheaper. You might be entitled to scholarships or grants that could reduce the price of attending your program. The schools generally have fewer resources, which can impact the quality of education. Many schools provide co-op programs that enable students to acquire real-world experience regarding the fields they're studying. About 200 schools would be qualified to participate.

Friday, May 15, 2020

Civilian Life vs. Military Life Essay - 1053 Words

Being in the Army has huge differences compared to being in the civilian life. There are many differences and there are some things that are the same, being in the Army and being in civilian life. The average day for a US Army Soldier consists of waking up at 0400 hours in the morning being to first formation; accountability formation by 0630 hours. Then from 0630 to 0730 hours a Soldier will do Physical Readiness training (PRT), wear as the average wake up time for a civilian would be around 0630 to 0700 hours. The Soldier will wake up, do PRT eat breakfast and go to first work call formation by 0900. The average civilian would wake up, eat breakfast, and go to work. The average Soldier would have already done a lot of things that a†¦show more content†¦It is from an unknown author but I would like to share it with you. I think that it sums up military life vs. civilian life. Your alarm goes off, you hit the snooze and sleep for another 10 minutes. He stays up for days on end. You take a warm shower to help you wake up. He goes days or weeks without running water. You complain of a headache, and call in sick. He gets shot at, as others are hit, and keeps moving forward. You put on your anti war/dont support the troops shirt, and go meet up with your friends. He still fights for your right to wear that shirt. You make sure youre cell phone is in your pocket. He clutches the cross hanging on his chain next to his dog tags. You talk trash on your buddies that arent with you. He knows he may not see some of his buddies again. You dont feel like helping out your dad today, so you dont. He does what he is told. You walk down the beach, staring at all the pretty girls. He walks the streets, searching for insurgents and terrorists. You complain about how hot it is. He wears his heavy gear, not daring to take off his helmet to wipe his brow. You go out to lunch, and complain because the restaurant got your order wrong. He does not get to eat today. Your maid makes your bed and washes yourShow MoreRelatedMilitary Life vs Civilian Life787 Words   |  4 PagesMilitary Life vs. Civilian Life When we think about the military these days, normally the first thing that comes to mind is war. However, when we think about the civilian world the one thing that stands out is freedom. As a result, in order to maintain that freedom we must have our military go out and fight wars. There are many differences between our military and the civilian life; nonetheless, similarities do exist. A few that will be discussed pertaining to military and civilian life are howRead MoreMilitary Vs. Civilian Life1270 Words   |  6 PagesMany civilians end up thanking veterans for their service without knowing how their lives actually differ. Military life can offer many differences that civilian life cannot. Having lived both lives, I have an inside perspective on the differences between the two. 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In civilian life, you haveRead MoreSubstance Abuse and Mental Health Treatment Barriers: Military Life vs. Civilian Life1259 Words   |  6 PagesSubstance Abuse and Mental Health Treatment Barriers: Military Life vs. Civilian Life Marina Herrera Butte College Abstract This paper explores the interesting relationship between substance abuse and mental health problems among military and civilian life. As well as stigma barriers to treatment within a military vs. a civilian setting. The article â€Å"Substance Abuse and Mental Health Treatment in the Military: Lessons Learned and a Way Forward† written by Katie Witkiewitz and ArmandoRead MoreA Brief Look at Igor Sikorsky1157 Words   |  5 PagesIgor Sikorsky widened the field of aviation throughout his life with inventions that caught the interest of the world. In the early 1920’s, after successfully building a four-engine biplane, Sikorsky began his work on amphibian aircraft. 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The use of chemicals in war is considered biologicalRead MoreThe Invisible War1662 Words   |  7 PagesInvisible War, many of the service members were treated as though their attire (short skirts, running shorts, etc.), behavior, and alcohol consumption encouraged the sexual assault attacks and sexual harassment they endured during their service in the military. Also known as â€Å"victim blaming†, this form of blaming often occurs because perp etrators do not want to be held culpable for their wrongdoing. It also may be used as a way to take the blame off the wrongdoer and displace it onto the victim. InRead MoreCyber Attack And Cyber Attacks958 Words   |  4 Pagesattacks (JOAC, i), extrapolation to an era of cyberwar is unjustified as cyber attacks alone do not constitute an act of war and cyberspace should not be considered in isolation in regard to war. Increasing dependence on cyberspace for U.S. civilian and military systems and networks, combined with the ability for remote access to attack without overt exposure of the attacker’s identity or organization, make cyber attacks an attractive means against a stronger opponent. However, an act of war hasRead MoreUnited States Department Of State1748 Words   |  7 Pagestheir definitions, it is possible to get a better grasp of the concept and which organizations fit the description.   Professor Kydd defines terrorism as â€Å"politically motivated violence, usually targeted at civilians by non-state actors, but sometimes by states and sometimes towards non-civilians,† (Kydd 9/7). Kidd specifies that this violence is directed toward people, not property, does not usually involve economic motivation, is usually by a state-actor, and is performed for a broad audience inRead MoreGun Control Amendment990 Words   |  4 Pagesrecent incident, several others in past few years, has spark the debate over gun control in the United States. More and more are calling for a complete ban for assault type of weapons, that to include fully automatic and semi –automatic weapons with military attachments and features. In the light of the recent surge of incident involving guns, particularly assault type weapons has call for a ban. That has created an outrage from the advocates of gun owners and the (NRA) National Rifle Association. However

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Symptoms And Treatment Of Depression - 1781 Words

Some forms of depressive disorders exhibit slightly different characteristics than those described above, or they may develop under unique conditions. However, not all scientists agree on how to distinguish and define these forms of depression. Psychotic depression occurs when a severe depressive illness is accompanied by some form of psychosis, such as a break with reality, hallucinations, and delusions. Postpartum depression is diagnosed if a mother develops a major depressive episode within one month after childbirth. It is estimated that ten to fifteen percent of women experience postpartum depression after giving birth. Seasonal affective disorder (SAD) is a depressive illness that occurs during the winter months, when there is less natural sunlight. The depression generally lifts during spring and summer. SAD may be successfully treated with light therapy, but nearly half of those with SAD do not respond to light therapy alone. Antidepressant medication and psychotherapy can reduce SAD symptoms, either alone or in combination with light therapy. Bipolar disorder, also called manic-depressive illness, is not as common as major depression or dysthymia. Bipolar disorder is characterized by cycling mood changes-from extreme highs (mania) to extreme lows (depression). This depression disorder can affect people’s health. Diseases related to Depression The following section describes some of the diseases that can be aggravated by depression. According to the NationalShow MoreRelatedDepression Symptoms And Treatment Of Depression935 Words   |  4 Pagestreated for depression but your symptoms haven t improved, you may have treatment-resistant depression. Taking an antidepressant or going to psychological counseling (psychotherapy) eases depression symptoms for most people. But with treatment-resistant depression, standard treatments aren t enough. They may not help much at all, or your symptoms may improve, only to keep coming back. If your primary care doctor prescribed antidepressants and your depression symptoms continue despite treatment, ask yourRead MoreSymptoms And Treatment Of Depression1015 Words   |  5 Pagesmoods, thinking or behavior. Fortunately, treatment for mental illness or mental disorders can lead to recovery; and although treatment may include medication, it ideally also includes psychosocial therapies and support. The mental illness I will focus on is a mood disorder called depression, or major depressive disorder. Depression is the most common mood disorder, and one of the most common mental illnesses. Depression is a mood disorder clinical depression affects how you feel, think and behave andRead MoreSymptoms And Treatments Of Depression1274 Words   |  6 PagesDepression is a major issue affecting many in a person’s everyday life. There are many ways to combat depression, whether it be medication such as antidepressants or therapeutic treatments such as psychotherapy, electroc onvulsive therapy, light therapy or even herbal remedies. (â€Å"Diseases and Disorders: Depression†). Antidepressants temporarily stop depression, but since the side effects can be harmful or life threatening, alternative treatments are a much safer and efficient way to combat depressionRead MoreSymptoms And Treatment Of Depression1230 Words   |  5 Pagesmood disorder are really common and can seek treatment but some can be really rare and hard to cure even with treatment. Some of the major types of mood disorders are depression, anxiety, bipolar, and schizophrenia. Anybody at any age can develop a mental disorder, usually occurred during times of painful events or traumatizing experiences. Depression is a serious illness that caused by changes in the brain chemistry. Many people believed that depression is feeling down or sad, however, it is actuallyRead MoreSymptoms And Treatment Of Depression1431 Words   |  6 PagesIntroduction: What is Depression? Depression is a type of mood disorder characterized by persistent and profound sadness, hopelessness, helplessness, and feelings of worthlessness. While depression may be a common disorder in many cultures, not many people know about its different types and more importantly how to help themselves or others in the recovery process. There are in fact multiple types of depressive conditions each characterized by its own causes, courses, patterns outcomes, and specificRead MoreDepression : Symptoms And Treatment Essay1592 Words   |  7 PagesWhat is Depression? Depression is a condition in which a person feels discouraged, sad, hopeless, unmotivated, or disinterested in life in general (Depression II). Depression is a serious mental illness that does the aforementioned as well as much more. When a person is depressed, it can interfere with daily and normal functioning as well as can cause pain for the person with it and those around them, and this is what doctors call ‘Clinical D epression’. Depression is more than just a simple sadness;Read MoreSymptoms And Treatment Of Depression1468 Words   |  6 PagesManagement of Care Depression is one of the major causes of disabilities and it can affect anyone, regardless of age, gender, race, or culture. People who suffer from depression are a higher risk for suicide, and that is magnified if there is any family history of suicide, or other history of disorders like anxiety or panic attacks. Other conditions that can be attributed to a poor prognosis for a person who is depressed is history of substance abuse, low self-esteem, someone who is chronically illRead MoreSymptoms And Treatment Of Depression1180 Words   |  5 PagesIntroduction Depression is a serious and prevalent problem in the 21st century and had been for a long time. It is the most common mood disorder and has a lifetime prevalence rate of 6-25% in international studies (Carr, 2012). Reliable diagnosis is vital for the study of mental disorders (Fried, Epskamp, Nesse, Tuerlinckx Borsboom, 2016) and with the rising issue that depression is, individuals with multiple chronic diseases can be tackling depression occurring at the same time thus, it may complicateRead MoreSymptoms And Treatment Of Depression881 Words   |  4 Pages Depression is a word that people commonly use in everyday life. On any given day you will hear someone say I am feeling depressed, that was depressing, exc, but depression is not just a state of being but  a serious medical condition in which a person feels very sad, hopeless, and unimportant and often is unable to live in a normal way. Because of overuse of this word, people often mistake when someone should be medically diagnosed with depression for them just being sad. This is problematicRead MoreSymptoms And Treatment Of Depression1716 Words   |  7 PagesSevere depression can have a devastating effects on not only individuals, but also on their families and communities. Depressive disorders when severe or prolonged enough can cause some patients to seek to harm themselves, or worse; to seek to end their lives. While over the last century there have been significant strides in the treatment of depression, there still is much work to be done. May medication that treat depres sion take a long time for patient to reach therapeutic dosages, mean that patients

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

The Factors of Ball Flight free essay sample

Much of our understanding of how to manipulate the flight of the golf ball was shrouded in mystery until the early sixties when Sir Aynsley Bridgland commissioned a team of researchers under the leadership of Alistair Cochran and John Stobbs to try and unearth the secret to the game of golf. After five years of pure research the end result was certainly not what he had wished for-the secrets were that there was none, there was no such thing as the perfect swing. The work done by physicist Alistair Cochran was certainly not in vain though. In fact the findings he and his team unearthed went on to completely change how the golf professional thought about teaching the golf swing. What they discovered was that there was no secret to producing the perfect swing because it simply did not exist. There were many good, bad and indifferent swings being used but if they followed the basic laws and principles they proposed that the results would be basically the same. In this assignment we will look at many of the principles Cochran arrived at and utilize them to explain the effect a non square impact has on a golf shot. We will analyze the two of the three possible impact positions-open and closed impact positions, and how coupled with an out to in swing path can result in a variety of shots. We will also analyse how loft plays a role in effecting the degree to which shape, trajectory and distance these resulting shots go. For this assignment we will assume that the golfer is right handed, using a 5 iron of a flat hitting surface and striking the ball in the centre of the clubface. Ball flight laws Before we look at a specific type of swing path it is important to have a basic grasp of the ball flight laws as the primary focus of this piece will be the impact factors. These are entirely based on what the club head is doing at the moment it strikes the ball, known as impact. There are five impact factors, these are as follows: ? Swing Path, ? Club head Speed, ? Angle of Approach ? Clubface Aim ? Centeredness of Strike The following table explains each law in more detail Law |Characteristics | |Speed |The velocity with which the club head is travelling at | | |impact. Club head Speed effects how far the ball goes, | | |as well as the trajectory and shape of the resulting | | |shot. | |Centeredness |The exactness with which the ball makes contact on the | | |face of the club relative to the sweet spot. Contact | | |could be either on the centre, toe, and heel, above or | | |below the sweet spot. | |Path | The direction of the arc travelled by the club head in| | |the backswing an d downswing. Its line of travel at | | |impact is one of the primary factors influencing | | |direction for a full shot | | | The degree at which the leading edge of the clubface | |Face |is at right angles to the swing path. It determines the| | |accuracy of the balls flight along that line, or | | |produces a left or right curve away from that line. | |Angle of Approach | The angle formed by the arc of the clubhead on the | | |downswing in relation to the ground. Due to its | | |influence on the balls spin rate, the trajectory and | | |the distance the ball travels will be affected by this | | |angle | From these impact factors we can take nine recognised ball flights (The PGA, 2007). The illustration bellow depicts each one. For the assignment at hand we are to look at an over the top swing path with a non square impact position. In this case two-impact factors above all others influence, these are clubface position at impact and swing path. Firstly however wee will look at loft and the effects it has on the golf shot. Loft Every golf club including putters have loft. Loft is the inclination of the club face from vertical. A typical clubs loft is as follows club |loft (degrees) | |putter |0 to 6 | |driver |6 to 13 | |fairway woods |13 to 28 | |irons |17 to 49 | |wedges |49 to 64 | Loft is responsible for two primary effects. These are; †¢ It, as the name suggests, gives the ball lift and ensures the ball leaves the face at a higher angle than the angle of attack. †¢ It imparts back spin. Energy is transferred from the club head into both forward momentum and ball rotation. It is important to remember that the more loft on the club the more back spin that is imparted and the less forward momentum as a result. This is the primary reason a less lofted club will fly farther than one with more loft, in this context the shaft length is negligible. Dynamic loft It is vital to understand that the â€Å"loft† of a club and a clubs â€Å"dynamic loft† are two different entities entirely. We have previously discussed the term loft but effective loft is much much different. The effective loft is the loft a club has at impact and is determined by five primary factors-the five ball flight laws which we earlier mentioned. each of these factors,centredness of strike, club head speed, angle of approach, club face aim and the swing path all have a great bearing on the fashion by which the ball comes off the face and thus the effective loft. The following table denotes a perfect example of the effects of dynamic loft at impact [pic] as we can see from the table there is a difference of some 30 yards between the longest and shortest drive which all comes down to the dynamic loft acting on the ball at impact. This table also brings up another important point. -the angle of approach directly correlates to the trajectory of the shot. As we have mentioned earlier a higher loft results in a higher trajectory and less forward momentum but a higher angle of approach also result in a number of differences, these are †¢ The higher the angle of approach the lower the initial trajectory. †¢ The higher the angle of approach the higher the rate of spin †¢ The maximum initial height (launch angle) will be produced by presenting the maximum loft to the ball with the shallowest angle of approach. Producing the optimal angle of approach will maximise launch conditions (spin rate and launch angle) and optimise the distance the shot goes Curvature and direction As previously stated Energy is transferred from the club head into both forward momentum and ball rotation. Loft bears a great influence on how this energy is transferred into both forms. A lower loft on a club results in an increase in side spin and less backspin, for this reason a non square impact with lower lofts result in a greater curvature of the ball than that with a more lofted club. This is also the same with direction-a non square strike results in a greater range of dispersion in lower lofted club as compared to that of a more lofted club. Loft, path and face combinations In the scenario at hand we are to analyse the resultant shots from an out to in swing path, an appropriate angle of approach, 100km/h club head speed with a centred strike. And a non square impact position. In addressing these factors only two laws become a factor in the shot shape, these are 1. swing path 2. clubface aim We will now take a deeper look at the effect of each impact factor and how they effect the resulting shot shape. The Swing Path The definition of swing path is â€Å"The direction of the path immediately before, during and immediately following impact† (PGA, 2008). As the golf swing is rounded in its execution straight shots would have a swing path of inside to square to inside (Jacobs, 1979). Therefore, if it is accepted as to what swing path results in zero curvature then by introducing an out to in swing path. This is defined in the PGAs year one golf coaching study guide as â€Å"The clubheads line of travel at impact† (PGA, 2008 p 9). Jacobs (1979) agrees with Cochran et al. s he states that if the clubhead is not moving directly toward or in a straight line to your target it has to be travelling to the left or to the right of the golfers intended destination. Humans must in order to make the ball go straight, swing the club on an inside-straight-inside arc. By inside it is meant that if a line were drawn from the golf ball to the flagstick and back further behind the golf ba ll, the club would travel back inside that line to the top of the backswing and return down from inside the line to square at impact. The clubhead would then go straight through the ball at impact and follow through to the left of the line or inside as the player proceeds to the follow through position. This imaginary line will be known hereafter as the ball to target line. The next question must be then, what are the alternatives to an inside-straight-inside swing path? Firstly, if we take it that the clubface is always square to the swing path there are two possible results. The club could travel on an in-to-out swing path, which will send the golf ball to the right of the target. Conversely as in the above scenario, the club could travel on an out-to-in swing path, which will send the golf ball to the left of the desired target (Jacobs, 1979). This shot is commonly known as a pull, where the ball starts and goes in a straight line to the left of the target. Jack Nicklaus confirms this view in his 1974 book, â€Å"Golf My Way†. Nicklaus defines a pull shot as â€Å"Your clubface is looking in the same direction the clubhead is travelling. The trouble is that you are swinging from out-to-in across your target line† (Nicklaus, 1974 p25-26). He describes the push in exactly the same way except that the club is travelling from inside-to-out in relation to the ball to target line. Toski and Flick (1978) confirm this analysis of swing path. All these opinions are based on the clubface being square to the path; however it must now be asked â€Å"What would happen if the clubface were not square to the path at impact? † Clubface Condition at Impact and Initial Ball Direction To recap, the reason that the ball will travel in a straight line is that a clubface that is square to the path will impart only one type of spin on the golf ball, backspin. Cochran and Stobbs, 1968). Thus the ball will only spin vertically and stay on a straight line. However, the clubface may not be pointing at a ninety degree angle and perfectly square with the swing path. Thus if it is pointing to the left of the ninety degree angle, the clubface would be labelled as â€Å"Closed† or if it were pointing to the right of that angle the clu bface would be termed â€Å"Open† (Jacobs, 1979). These clubface positions are the vital ingredient in sidespin being imparted on the golf ball, which leads to curvature of the golf ball. Therefore, depending on the swing path along with the clubface condition at impact one of the nine common ball flights will be achieved. Initial Ball Flight Direction Toski et al. (1978) and Cochran et al. (1968) reinforce the relationship between these two laws concurring that this is what ultimately defines the initial starting direction of the ball flight. This starting point will be somewhere in between the direction of the swing path and the clubface aim. Finally they concur that the ball will begin in a direction that is closer to the clubface aim direction. Initial Ball Flight Direction [pic]= Swing Path= Face Aim = Initial Ball Flight Direction = Ball to target Line The above diagram depicts the initial flight direction on a draw shot To summarise, Jacobs (1979, p. 26) describes it very plainly â€Å"If the clubface is facing to the left of its’ path, the ball will curve to the left of that directional path. If it faces to the right of the path, the ball will curve to the right†. So for a draw shot it can be assumed that the clubface is slightly closed to the path but how exactly is it controlled and executed? The resultant shot shapes from the scenario The scenario provided can result in a myriad of shots all of which derive from the club face position at impact, these shots are as follows †¢ Square club face-the pull: the ball starts left of the target and fly’s without curvature in a straight line, finishing left of the target. †¢ Shut club face-the pull hook: the ball starts left of the target and then curves left in the air, finishing well to the left of the target †¢ Open club face-this offers two shot shapes 1. he fade: the ball starting to the left of the target and curves to the left, finishing on the target 2. the slice: the ball starts left of the target and curves to the right, finishing well to the right of the target We will now look at each of these shots in more detail The square club face: The pull As previously mentioned the pull shot is a result of a square face to an out to in swing path. The pull: the ball starts left of the target and fly’ s without curvature in straight line, finishing left of the target. This shot itself fly’s just as a straight shot but directly to the left. This shot should fly approximately the same distance as a normally struck straight shot with a normal trajectory and flight The shut club face: The pull hook The pull hook shot results in the ball start left of the target and then curves left in the air, finishing well to the left of the target. The shot itself will have a lower trajectory due to the closed club face which delofts the club at impact and as a result send the shot low to the left –the severity of which depends on how closed the face itself is to the swing path. The delofting of the club face also plays a crucial part in the over all distance travelled by the shot with a more severely shut face comes a greater loss in distance. The open club face: The fade and the slice The open faced impact with an over the top swing path throws two shot shapes which is down to relationship- of the club face to the ball to target line. In a slice the ball starts left of the target and curves to the right, finishing well to the right of the target.