Friday, May 15, 2020

Civilian Life vs. Military Life Essay - 1053 Words

Being in the Army has huge differences compared to being in the civilian life. There are many differences and there are some things that are the same, being in the Army and being in civilian life. The average day for a US Army Soldier consists of waking up at 0400 hours in the morning being to first formation; accountability formation by 0630 hours. Then from 0630 to 0730 hours a Soldier will do Physical Readiness training (PRT), wear as the average wake up time for a civilian would be around 0630 to 0700 hours. The Soldier will wake up, do PRT eat breakfast and go to first work call formation by 0900. The average civilian would wake up, eat breakfast, and go to work. The average Soldier would have already done a lot of things that a†¦show more content†¦It is from an unknown author but I would like to share it with you. I think that it sums up military life vs. civilian life. Your alarm goes off, you hit the snooze and sleep for another 10 minutes. He stays up for days on end. You take a warm shower to help you wake up. He goes days or weeks without running water. You complain of a headache, and call in sick. He gets shot at, as others are hit, and keeps moving forward. You put on your anti war/dont support the troops shirt, and go meet up with your friends. He still fights for your right to wear that shirt. You make sure youre cell phone is in your pocket. He clutches the cross hanging on his chain next to his dog tags. You talk trash on your buddies that arent with you. He knows he may not see some of his buddies again. You dont feel like helping out your dad today, so you dont. He does what he is told. You walk down the beach, staring at all the pretty girls. He walks the streets, searching for insurgents and terrorists. You complain about how hot it is. He wears his heavy gear, not daring to take off his helmet to wipe his brow. You go out to lunch, and complain because the restaurant got your order wrong. He does not get to eat today. Your maid makes your bed and washes yourShow MoreRelatedMilitary Life vs Civilian Life787 Words   |  4 PagesMilitary Life vs. Civilian Life When we think about the military these days, normally the first thing that comes to mind is war. However, when we think about the civilian world the one thing that stands out is freedom. As a result, in order to maintain that freedom we must have our military go out and fight wars. There are many differences between our military and the civilian life; nonetheless, similarities do exist. A few that will be discussed pertaining to military and civilian life are howRead MoreMilitary Vs. Civilian Life1270 Words   |  6 PagesMany civilians end up thanking veterans for their service without knowing how their lives actually differ. Military life can offer many differences that civilian life cannot. Having lived both lives, I have an inside perspective on the differences between the two. 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